Bully - Leondre

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You slowly walked though the school gates; head down, trying not to make a scene. That was far from impossible, she noticed you straight away.
"Oi! Y/N!" Shirley screeched at you, causing you to halt in your tracks. You sighed, here we go again. You huffed and turned towards her.
"Shirley if your gonna give me your hate bullshit then don't bother. I've had enough with you," you sighed. Shirley looked surprised.
"Excuse me?" She snarled, "what did you just say?"
"You heard me, take your bullshit and go bother someone as annoying as you!"
You had wanted to say that for a while but never had the guts.
"Oh your gonna pay, Y/N!" She said, glaring at you. By then a group of people had surrounded you and Shirley. Great.
"Come on Y/N! One on one, me and you!" She yelled, dumping her bag on the ground.
"I'm not that pathetic darlin'," you laughed. The whole crowd 'ooooo'd' and cheered.
"Now if you don't mind I'd like to go and have a life, excuse me," you said, walking past her and pushing everyone out the way to get to the entrance.
Suddenly you felt two strong arms attached to your neck, taking you into a head lock and trying to strangle you.
"WHAT THE FUCK??" You yelled, struggling to breathe properly.
"That's pay back for you!" Shirley whispered into your ear.
"Get the fuck off me you bastard!" You exclaimed, taking her hands off your neck and kicking her shin. She yelped in pain and hopped on one foot.
"Leave me alone you low-life'd bitch!" You said, looking her straight in the eye.
There seemed to be another crowd forming around you both, again. Even the most popular student, Leondre Devries, was there. You glanced at him; he'd been your crush for a while. You saw him staring at you with a worried look on his face. Why would he be staring at you?
With your attention drawn away from Shirley, she managed to swing her fist at your jaw, causing it to make a crunch sound. Ouch, that couldn't be good. You flicked your eyes back to her and held your jaw in pain. She took this advantage to have another swing at your face, but her hand was captured by someone's hand. You looked up to see Leondre with his hand firmly round her wrist. Stopping any contact coming towards you.
You couldn't help but stare at him; he stared back. The whole crowd gasped and stared at you two. Why was the Leondre Devries saving you?
"Piss off Shirley, I've had enough of you!" Said Leondre, letting go of her wrist and shoving her backwards. The crowd oooo'd again and continued to stare at you and Leondre. What was he gonna do next?
You tried to say something but nothing came out. You couldn't even speak to someone who had just saved you from a broken jaw. You stuttered about what to say but nothing came up. You decided to not say anything, and quickly walked through the school door. Then you ran, trying to forget everything that had just happened.

"Y/N WAIT!" You heard someone say behind you.
You stopped and turned around. You could see Leondre struggling to keep up with you. He finally reached you and managed to stop you from running any further. Your heart started to beat faster and your hands were getting sweaty, what did he want?
"Urm, err..." You stumbled. "Urm, hi Leo-ondre..."
"Y/N..." He started. You looked around, trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
"Y/N look at me, what's wrong?" He asked, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Erm.... nothing," you managed to get out, "just I wondered why you saved me from nearly getting knocked out back there..."
"Well, I don't think its fair for someone like you to be treated like that," he sighed, looking down at his feet.
"Er well thanks, but I gotta get to class," you said, smiling.
"Wait!" He said, holding you firmly by the shoulders again, "one last thing.."
Then he lent down and kissed you. Your stomach whirled with 1,000,000 butterflies, you couldn't believe it.
He pulled away after a while.
"Will you go out with me Y/N?" He asked, slightly smiling. You gasped but smiled.
"Of course," you said.

**ring ring**

"Well, better get to class!" You said, walking off.
"Hey where's my hug!!??" He yelled after you. You laughed and quickly ran back and embraced him in a hug. He was finally yours......

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