Someone Else (1.3)

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     "Sooo, how does host like it!" Ji-Hye let's out a giggle seeing him face planted in the bed. Him being smooshed in the bed his nonsensical reply makes her laugh harder.

     Hearing her Jaxx flips himself over and responds, "Comfy, I like it."

     "Hmmm, well good for you! We have work to do!" With a thumbs up she smiles hearing him groan.

     "Already? But...but I just got here!" Jaxx pouts at her but sits up anyways.

     "You have a side mission! This is your first activated one host! I'm sure you already know what a side mission is so I'm just gonna give you the mission."

     "Alright," he sighs and waves his hand, "what is it?"

     Ji-Hye stares at the glowing blue screen in front of her, " has to meet the ML before the you transfer..."

     "...You're kidding," he stares at her. Seeing her shake her head he facepalms, "How in the world did that get trigger?! How?!"

     "I'm unsure!" She cheers as if there is nothing wrong with this, "Anyways! Host doesn't have to do this mission but...well normally the benefits are worth it."

     "And, what are these 'benefits'?" Jaxx sighs and looks out of hIs new window, "Plus I don't even know when I'm supposed to transfer."

      With a clap she announces, "Answering host! You'll transfer once you reach 15! The reward for completing the side task is!! A relationship boost for the human side!"

     "A relationship boost?" Tilting his head he questions Ji-Hye.

     "Yep! Since one of the wishes is to change a faction of 'people' I have been given a relationship bar for host to use! Do you want to know your current standings?" Ji-Hye smiles while promoting her new trick.

     "...sure, tell me?" 

     Ji-Hyde nods and pulls up a green hologram screen and flips it to face him. Pointing at the bars she informs, "Right now host has 15% reputation with the human side! This means they have no clue who you are expect for close friends and family. On the vampire side you have a -10% reputation! People who know of you think of you negatively but won't seek to harm you."

     "So...uh why do I want points for the human side? Wouldn't it be smarter for the vampires?"

     "Well normally that would be true! But," she points at him, "the vampire side loves strength. It will be much easier to gain reputation. However once he humans realize you're a vampire then it will drop. This percent is a permanent addition. So it's more of a long term reward!"

     "Hmm," Jaxx taps his chin and nods "I guess. We'll try to do it."

     "Yay!!" Ji-Hye throws her arms in the air. Calming down she lets him know, "Host should try looking in a few days. Right now is a good time to work on your standing within the family." 

     "Yeah," with a sigh he looks out of his window, "What should I be expecting?"

      "First, you'll be given a etiquette/history teacher to help you get caught up in the vampire side," seeing him nod she continues, "Second you'll be working with a magic teacher. Finally, you will be given a personal trainer."

     "No worries for money huh..." Jaxx wistful tone makes Ji-Hye look at him in concern. Snapping out of it he ignores Ji-Hye's look, "I guess we should first figure out a plan to make myself strong huh..."

     "Oh no need for host to worry! With me added to you your magic level has already risen far past the average! Even if you do poorly physically they will at least realize that you have a different strength." 

    "Alright," he directs a smile towards her, "I'll believe in you. Thanks Ji-Hye..."

     Giggling she hugs him, "Of course!" 

     The two of them sit in comfortable silence when they hear a knock on the door. "It's late? Who would it be? Ji-Hye?"

     "Hm, most likely it would be the FL," Ji-Hye tilts her head, "Or at least the signature would suggest so..."

     "Why would she be here?" Jaxx asks only to receive a shrug, "Only one way to find out. You can come in!" 

     Once said the door creaks open and he could see the girl peeking her head in. Now spotted she confidently walks her way in and plops herself onto his couch, "So? Who are you?"

  "What? What do you mean?" Startled he tries to inquire what she means.

     "Ugh, newbies," with a shake of her head she sighs, "I mean what's your role. Have you not run into other transmigrates?"

     "Uh-uhm, I did once...uh, well I work with Ji-Hye? I don't think she has given roles?" Seeing her nod he confidently repeats himself. 

     "Hmm, odd. Most get given a role. Well whatever, no matter. I work under the Female Lead System, her name is Holly. Yours?" With a wave of her hand a lady pops up.

     The lady with short choppy blonde hair bows with a smile, "My name is Holly, nice to meet you."

     "Ji-Hye? Would you like to meet them?" Looking at her he gets a nod. He could see the moment she appeared because the  FL smiles. 

     With a smile and wave she introduces herself, "Hii!! My name is Ji-Hye! Nice to meet you Ms. Holly!" 

     Holly smiles, "Nice to meet you too. However I must ask...did you really not get a specific role?"

     "Yep. I get sent three main tasks from the previous soul but that's about it." She rocks on her feet while informing the three of them.

     "Hmm, did you get assigned to the final wish category?" Holly asks while scratching her head.

     "No," she shakes her head, "I thought so at first but I didn't get sent to that department. Is that bad? There doesn't seem to be a problem?"

     "It's not an issue," the other host interjects, "Just makes it harder for us to figure out your role. Let me explain a little. For my FL system I just need to change the plot to make it more interesting. We have no clue what to do with you."

Hi! Sorry for this being late! I think we all agree school is hard. Anyways see you in the next chapter!!"

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