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Tubbo said, running a hand through his dark hair and letting the small horns peek through

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Tubbo said, running a hand through his dark hair and letting the small horns peek through.

"Well, you're still you, right?" You asked, giving his horns a good tap.

"I think so?"

You raise your eyebrows in speculation, "Tell me something only Tubbo would know."

"Uhhh," Tubbo mumbles in thought. "I like da bee?"

You laugh, elbowing your brother. "Yeah, I think it's you."

He smiles proudly, still growing used to his newfound feature; he even has some floppy ears to accompany them.

"You don't think they make me... like him?" Tubbo asked hesitantly.

You open your mouth to answer, intent on explaining that Tubbo could never be anything like Schlatt when the man himself interrupts.

"I think they're coming in nicely," Your dad said, leaning against the doorway.

Tubbo jumps, "Oh, thanks Schlatt."

He crosses the room in a few strides, standing behind his son in the mirror. He ruffles his hair, "Soon enough, you'll look just like your old man."

Tubbo gives a half-smile, nodding.

"Why are you both so tense?" Schlatt asked, "C'mon, lighten up! The festival is today. Put your suits on. We gotta get ready."

Schlatt seems overly joyful, bright smile, and lacking the presence of alcohol. He adjusts his suit jacket, smiling at the both of you.

"You know, I don't say this much, but I'm proud of you two."

You can't help the warm feeling in your chest as you smile. You shouldn't be smiling, Schlatt was the enemy. He had done countless damage to the country, right? He was the bad guy, wasn't he?

If that was the truth, he was still your father and sometimes you wanted to hear those words.


Schlatt nods, "Yeah, really. I wouldn't be here without you guys. I know I haven't been the best dad these past few years, but I want to change that."

Tubbo beams, "I think we'd love that."

"Yeah, dad, we would."

Schlatt grins, "Great, well, put on these suits. I'll see you at the podium."


You stand next to Quackity at the podium. The sun sits high in the sky, a slight breeze ruffling your hair. You know what's to come at the festival, it had to be done.


Schlatt was evil, he was a tyrant. Even if moments earlier he seemed like the perfect dad, he was the bad guy.

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