Vade Ad Mortem Tuam

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*ROAR!* An ground-trembling roar is released, calling all the monsters' attention.

All around the Ancient Forest, there are monsters awaiting my command. I count them, Odogaron, Legiana, Barioth, Velkhana, and Vaal Hazak.

I didn't want to start this now, I wanted to get a larger army, but I'm running out of time.

"Let's go!" I let out a roar, commanding their movement towards Astera.

I hear an explosion go off, as Barioth flies straight back, away from the source.

I inspect the explosion, finding tripwire and a pit that drops to spikes carved of wood. Traps? Things are getting dangerous.

"Everyone! Watch out for traps! Thin wires, pit holes, and ambushes! If you see them, avoid them and let us know!"

I hear them roar back.



We arrive above Astera, looking down at its inhabitants. They're scurrying about preparing the gates, locking them and trapping them.

Someone takes notice to us and sounds the alarm, giving way to all the hunters.

I notice the Admiral and Commander leading the forces, the general in the back managing the resources, presumably.

The Admiral yells up to me, the Commander glaring at me. "Stop this nonsense! We don't need this unnecessary bloodshed!"

I feel my chest start to crackle, and the skies begin to darken. "Yeah, like that would work! If we joined you, you'd just go back t your old ways once I was out of the picture! Though, I am curious, where is Vekalia? I don't see her with you."

"She's not here! Hasn't been here!"

My chest is filled with energy, and my body is crackling with excess energy. "Oh, yeah. Like I believe that! I can see the scorch marks from her and Zinogre!"

"Please, we do-"

"I'm done with you all. Lies, is that all you're good for?!"

I let out a roar, and all the monsters join me. They drop into Astera, straight into the main hub.

Velkhana skewers a greatsworder with her tail, throwing them against the Admiral, who dodges.

He rushes her, and she goes to slash him with her tail. He catches her tail, and the Meowscular Chef cuts the end off with his knife.

Velkhana flies into the air, unleashing a ring of ice around her, impaling some poor lancers and gunlancers that failed to move out of the way.

Odogaron dashes along the wall, towards the back of the group. Barioth flies over the group, following his lead.

Barioth fires an ice-blast into the gunners in the back, and Odogaron slashes through a few of their bodies, cutting through their brittle, frozen flesh.

A greatsworder grabs onto Odogarons tail mid-jump, lobbing it off in one go. He kills the hunter, and tries to jump to a wall. Without his tail, his balance is lost, and he falls off the wall.

He lands in a group of hunters, and is dog-piled quickly. Barioth uses his ice-blast, but it's too late, and Odogaron is killed.

Barioth lands, before letting out a heavy roar in rage. He lunges at the first two hunters, slashing through their armor. Another one grabs onto his tail, trying to cut through it. He takes off, before slamming his tail into the ground, crushing the hunter on his tail, and the one in front of him.

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