In Inferna Venator

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(Just after Fatalis's death.)

I take a wing-drake back up to the top, looking for Vekalia. Everyone is celebrating the victory, this momentous day.

I grab the Commanders shoulder, and he points to the canteen. I push through everyone, and find the canteen empty of her, instead full of food and festivities.

I go to the temporary camp set up, and check inside. I see Vekalia on a bench, breathing shallow, rapid breaths. Her legs, well, they can't really be called legs anymore. They are charred black, shriveled up. I can see the ashes flaking off her leg, breaking off in pieces.

I rush to her side, grabbing her shoulders.

"Vekalia, you'll be fine. Fatalis, sh-she's dead! We can go now! You can relax, rest! Just please, please don't drop now!"

"Oh- come on... not like, Cough!, not like I want this... I-I'm sorry."

"why... why?"

"I asked for this... I should've just kept running... I shouldn't have stopped to help... but... if I had to redo that... I would've done it just the same."

"Fucking dumbass."

"Heh, you said it, not me. So, you killed her?"

"Yeah. When I stabbed her, my blade got stuck. Your horn served a great way to hammer it in."

"Hey, see? I did kill him, through you! Ha."*Cough*

"Vekalia... why didn't you wake me?"

"I tried... you were in a coma... something about the shock of your legs... and the blood-loss."

"agh!" I punch the floor next to me.

"Hey... we did it! We killed the unkillable... we saved lots of people from her."

"I don't care about that, I care about saving you and me, as far as it goes."

"... heh, sounds like you. Well, here. drink this." She hands me a bottle of wine.

"Wha- why?"

"Because I know it'll help. And... I know you aren't gonna celebrate at the party. You'll be too caught up in your own head."

I sit next to her, laying her head on my lap, attempting to comfort her.

The party rages on outside.






I'm surrounded by darkness again, unable to make out anything.

Suddenly, I feel something in my hands. I look down, and I see her horn. Intricate carvings, immaculate detail, and well cared for.

I look up and see that same eye glaring at me. I look deep, deep into it. I see a faint silhouette, the outline of a girl with ears atop her skull... but only half of it. The bottom half is cut off, across the eye.

Before I can look at the entire picture, the eye shatters, shards cutting into my skin, into my eye. It feels like thousands of little blades slashing through me, over and over again, relentless, unforgiving.

I try to scream, but my mouth is shut. I can't scream.

I try again, and I can't scream.

I try again, and I can't scream.

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