Ego Sum Apex

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I wake up before Vekalia, and Barioth wakes up soon after. She must be tired, huh?

I walk out to go hunt, not taking notice to her trembling.



"So, Barioth. What do you say to a name?"

He looks at me, before nodding vigorously.

"haha! Good, good. Let's see... How about... Nixitate? Nix for short."

He nods, nuzzling his head into my chest. "haha! that's good to see! took me some time to think of that name."

He licks my face, even happier. His tail is wagging excitedly. I definitely thought of that on the spot, but he seems happy hearing that.

I hear the screech of a Velkhana down the mountain, and her frost breaths roar.

I begin sliding down the mountain, finding a group of hunter hunting her.

"Let's help her out, alright?"

He nods at me.

"Follow my lead."


The dualblader is running towards her in demon mode, the HBG is preparing more cluster charges, and the LBG is firing piercing shots.

I drop on top of the LBG, impaling him with my blade, coating my white and gold outfit in blood.

I turn, throwing my blade at the charging lance, who parries it. Nix drops onto him while he's distracted, tearing him apart.

I summon a new blade using the energy I gained from my recent kill, and lunge at the HBG, slamming my shield into his gun, opening his guard. I slam my blade into his ribs horizontally, not quite cutting through.

He's dropped to his knees, where I slam my blade into him a second time, decapitating him.


I feel a knife land in my neck, embedding itself into it. The DB is glaring at me, tears running down her face.

"You bastard! How could you?! They're your own kind! They're people!"

"So you know who I am? Good. Then to clarify, I'm not human. Not anymore."

She turns to run, before I roar, stunning every person and monster near. Nix is unaffected, seemingly moving faster than previously.

He lunges at the DB, pinning her. Velkhana impales them, missing Nix by a hair.

I walk to Velkhana, offering my open hand to her, my blade resting on my shoulder, my wings wide, and my tail relaxed.

"Join us. We're going to take out the rest of these hunters, end the commission."

She hesitates, glancing at Nix. "C'mon. This way, no more of your kind will be hunted for sport. Not by humans, at least. Once this is all over, you can go back to your normal life, without the threat of hunters."

She looks at the corpse on her tail, then at me. She stares at my wings, and I stay still, confident.

She eats the corpse off her tail, before bowing her head down to me.

"So, I suppose you're on my side?"

She roars in response, ice re-coating her body.

"Good. You made the right call."

Aurea Erinys: The Golden QueenWhere stories live. Discover now