Omnia Debet Mori: Etiam Deos

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It's black, I can't even see my body beneath me. If I even have one, I don't know.



I'm starting to feel a pressure. I can feel my body providing resistance, but not much.



I can feel my chest start to cave. At least, I think. I feel my ribs straining to hold against the constant pressure.



Now I can't even move my eyes, if they were even moving to begin with. My ribs have long collapsed, my lungs flat, my heart unbeating. Though I'm still here.



I can finally see something. The Commander, the Admiral, and some other guy I don't recognize. I can see their white silhouettes against this sea of black I live- no, reside in.

They turn away from me, glancing back. They hold something, and lift it to their mouths. They walk away.



I'm surrounded my a sea of black once more.



I see another light, another silhouette, with a pair of ears atop her skull. She kneels over me, pouring something into my mouth. I drink it greedily, like Deviljho hungry for a meal.


I continue drinking it for several minutes, like it's as valuable as the blood I've been long drained of.


I finally stop, and look up at her. I'm drinking from her wrist, the light faded from her silhouette, nearly as black as this void.

I get up, grab her, my hands large around her now-frail body. I ignore them in favor of crying over a fallen friend.



My tears are making a puddle in her now empty chest cavity. In the reflection, I see the Commander-comma-comm-coma-

I see the ceiling above me, blank. I feel my tears long dried on my face, and my pillow soaked in them. I get up, my bed soaked in sweat.

I go to the bathroom, getting the shower running. I notice bags under my eyes. My black hair is a mess, and I smell filthy.

I quickly clean myself off, but I notice my leg. It's scarred, with several stitches along it.

"what... right, the fight. I need to go thank her. she saved me... she saved... me."

I walk to the gathering hub, and it is surprisingly empty. I see the chef cat grabbing his cooking ingredients.

"What's going on? Where is everybody?" My voice is still groggy, but I'm still walking around in my armor.

He looks at me, his voice gruff as ever. "Right, you've been asleep since Alatreon. It's been about a month now since you've been out. Everybody either went to help with the fight, or evacuated to Astera."

"What fight? And why evacuate, we killed the black dragon."

"You killed a black dragon. Not the black dragon."

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