...Rusticus In Obtentum

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(The theme is really good, I recommend listening to it.)

I wake up to Vekalia nudging my shoulder. "Wake up, Starlin. We've gotta go."

"Why?" I'm tired.

"Because the commission is here for us. They said to go with them. Now."

"The Fuck?" That wakes me up.

I walk out to the outside of the cave, and I see a few wing-drakes, along with the Admiral. "C'mon, let's get you home."

I walk back into the cave, grabbing the materials to make more medicine. "Why are they here. Why are we listening." I say those as statements, more than questions.

"They were worried about us, they came to get us. Well, that's what he says."

"Like I believe that, coming all the way up here? I doubt it."

I walk out, wheeling out Vekalia.

"Where'd Rigen go?"

"He left when they arrived. He's smart enough to avoid them."

"That he is."

"So, you two ready? Here, I'll carry your chair while you fly."

"Thanks, but I've got it."

She claws onto the wing-drake, and we head back to Seliana.

The Admiral yells so we could hear him,"Vekalia! They have some questions for you! Just so you're prepared!"

"Questions about what!?"

"About your bugs! And the way you imitated Zinogre!"


I turn to her,"I won't tell them about him."






We arrived, and she's been questioned. I see her making her way into our room. She has a pained look on her face that she quickly wipes away.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, just my legs acting up."



"Nope. I know that isn't it. You make a noise when it's physical pain, even your legs. When you're silent like that and wipe it away, it's mental. What did they ask you about to cause that?"

She looks stunned for a moment, before laughing. "You know me too well, you ass. Well... they asked how I get these guys to follow me, how I command them, etc."


"But... it feels like I'm betraying him. Betraying Rigen. He taught Me those things, he saved me. I tell you because you're like family, you've saved my life numerous times, and he seems to respect you. But them? Not in the slightest."

"...right, I think I get it. Why didn't you just tell them no?"

"They refused to accept it as an answer."


"Yeah. Mind helping with my legs?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure."

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