Discere De Bestia...

65 1 1

I wake up to an empty cave, nobody in sight. Huh, where is everybody? Well, I should get working on more medicine. See if I can't improve the scholars recipe some more.



I hear Rigen land behind me. I turn around, giving him a smile, as well as Vekalia. He's got some food, being carried by Vekalia.

"So, you'd gone on a hunt?"

"Yeah, you seemed to be sleeping well, so I didn't wanna bother ya'"


I continue working on the medicine, adding some god-bug this time.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Making more medicine, and seeing if I can't improve on it. It's just a hunch, but this stuff is really potent. If I could amplify it some more, give it some more to work with, it might help your leg better than currently."

"so... what does that mean? In English, please."

"I might be able to make the medicine stronger."

"well shit, really?"

"Maybe? I mean, I don't have everything I might need on hand, but still better to try."

"Well, I'ma start cooking this meat. Want any parts of it?"

"nah, but could you grab some kelbi horns if you find one? They're pretty good with their marrow."


As I add some honey to the medicine, I smell the food behind me cook. Reminds me of fresh jerky.

Wait, if this is to fix her leg, it needs some sorta protein, and some calcium for her bones. I'll need kelbi horns for the calcium, among other things, but what about the protein? I can't very well add steak to it.


"mmh! This food is good!"

"Right? The rocks this high up make for great seasonings."


"Yeah, no clue why though. I just know they taste good enough that Rigen always goes to them to hunt."

"huh, weird, but delicious!" I tear off another piece from the cortos leg.

Rigen is tearing into a piece of meat, his tail wagging. He's like a big child. cute!

"Nowm that I thinkt about ith, *gulp*, how did you meet him?"

"Well... remember when I went out to get my new hunting horn? For Safi?"


"Well, I came out here to hunt Velkhana, and he helped me out. He saw I was hunting her, and I guess she had bothered him in the past, and when I was in the way of her massive circle of ice, he grabbed me, yanking me out of the way."

"Well shit.... better than most hunters, hah!"

"I'd say! I mean, he didn't even know me. But, after that, I'd bring him some leftovers from hunts, since we never have a use for all that meat. He eats it, and helps me from time to time. I even learned to imitate his attacks."

"huh, cool! Bit annoying I can't do it though, I'm supposed to be better with voices."

"Not the howls, you're not!"

We share a laugh, before she adds "I'm sure you can still do a great admiral impression though!"

I put my best admiral voice on, "Have fun with this Seething Bazelguese, now I'ma go collect tracks. good luck!~"

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