Tunc Audita Est Non Magis

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It's been about a week since Safi was killed, and rumors are saying that a black dragon has been spotted.

I doubt it, they're just stupid legends. Like the sapphire star crap, them always calling Vekalia and I that. Think that's just their way of making us feel like we were gifted our strength, rather than having made it.

I see Vekalia waving me over from the Sauna. I join, throwing a bit of water on the stones.

"What's goin' on?"

"Hear the rumors?"

"Oh not you too."

"Well, they're true. He's been spotted by a few scouts on wing-drakes, before being shot down."



"So... what? We hunt him?"

"Yeah, once we find him in a safer place to hunt. Where he is now, we'll likely get a lot of other life killed in the process, monsters or otherwise."

"Shit, guess we just prepare then. Any clue where he's going?"

"At the moment we don't know, but from what we know, they like to hide in secluded areas, avoiding other life."

"Alright, so I guess we go prep? Wanna join?"

"Sure, I've been bored. We need something elemental, to counter him."

"Alright, you bring fire, I bring ice?"

"Sure, let's make some weapons out of Safi, see if they work."




We're in the briefing room, listening to the commander.

"So, Alatreon has taken residence in the secluded valley, where you killed Safi'jiiva."

"Alright, what should we know?"

"There's not much we could tell you, we don't know much of him. All we do know, is he could spell the end of Seliana if he so wishes."

"How smart is he?"

"From what we know, very. He seems to avoid hunters and first wyverians, but if a human is alone, or a researcher, he targets them. Same with scouts, as well as any monsters near him."



We're taking wing-drakes down the secluded valley. The pressure in the air is growing stronger the further I go, right along with the rising heat.

Vekalia is alongside me, her dracophage bugs ready to go. She's got her flame Safi horn, while I've got my ice SnS.

We land, Alatreon making a show of freezing all of the shed skin around the arena, before burning it to a crisp. He lands in front of us, staring us down, thinking.

He fires a blast of flames at us, which we dodge.

I watch, taking in his movements. With his dragon-blight, if I get hit once, my element will be useless. Though, given he seems to radiate heat, will my weapon's flames do much to him? More likely that Vekalia is gonna be doing the elemental damage for now.

His horns begin to sparkle with electricity, before lightning crashes around the arena.

I block the first strike, and Vekalia gets hit. I run over to her and block Alatreon's flames, giving her time to recover.

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