13| Falling.....

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Life doesn't make any sense

Why can't we just escape out of this  world, out of all the problems?

Why can't life be perfect?

Why is Louis perfect?

These are some of the questions I probably won't get an answer to anytime soon. And thinking about all this is starting to make my head heavy.

I totally couldn't focus on school today, just as I told you before, it didn't make any sense. I was partially sad from inside, and make myself completely depressed; I decided to read a sad book.

Finally, the bell rang and I rushed outside the building to enter the parking lot, where I saw Louis waiting in the car.

I opened the door and placed myself on the seat, As I waved at him and when he returned the wave, I saw well...

...something peculiar

"Oh um, the ring" I said as I looked at his hand

He tapped his index finger on the steering, and as he did so, his silver ring made a soft tick sound, "You don't like it?"

"It's nice, suits you"

The thing with me is that if I start reading a good book, I get completely absorbed in it and I finish the whole book in the span of just one day.

As I was flipping through the pages , I noticed that Louis was peeking his head through to see what I was reading.

"Do you want both of us to die?" I said, shutting my book.

He cleared his throat, "Absolutely not"

"Then mind your own business and look towards the road you idiot". He let out a nervous chuckle and licked his lips.

"What are you reading by the way" he said, but this time eyes on the road.

"The fault in our stars"

"You read these kind of books?" He sneered in pure disbelief.

"Depends on my mood" I blurted out. He nodded and got out of the car as we had reached home.

I grabbed my bag and entered through the front door. I threw my bag on the couch and sat beside it.

"Are you free today?" He asked as he filled a glass of water.

"Yeah"-------------"Well, I was planning to go skating today"

He paused for a moment and then continued, "Do you want to join?"

"Louis, I don't know how to skate-"

"I can teach you how to", and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine" I stood up from the couch and went to my room to freshen up.

I got on my phone and checked the time, 4:15PM

Then I changed my clothes, and put on some lip gloss, that is all what I like.

"ARE YOU READY?" I heard Louis yell from downstairs.

"YES" I yelled back.

I quickly rushed downstairs and saw him leaning against the wall with his skateboard in one hand.

"Shall we?", I nodded in response and got out of the house.

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now