12| Approaching?

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"Thank you so much mom", I mumbled as I chewed on my food.

I had been working on my school for the past couple of hours and almost all of it was complete, except for the math's work, which I totally didn't understand. It's one of the subjects that just cross my mind entirely and I don't understand a single thing. I am not qualified for using my brain in math.

"I thought to make you both Mac n cheese before I leave", mom said.

"Yes mom I-, wait you are leaving?"

Louis and I both left our spoons and looked at her.

"I have a business trip to attend tomorrow"

"Mom" I breathed out," When will you come back?"

"It will take around 2 days dear"

We both hummed in response and got back to eating our grub.

Mom would always, out of nowhere inform me about her leaving for a business trip and say it will only take 2 days, but it always takes weeks. But I am actually glad that I have company this time.

Louis stood up to leave but mom stopped him, "Louis, can you drop off Y/N to school tomorrow?'

"Yes, sure"

"You don't have your own school tomorrow right?"

"No I don't"


And with that all of us went to our respective rooms.

I changed into my pjs and sat on my study, only to stare at my math homework.Yes, totally don't get it.

Math shouldn't even be a subject, it's totally useless.

Nevertheless, I had to do my homework at any cost, And for that I can either search up the questions or ask someon-,YES !

I grabbed my supplies and rushed out of my room. Louis was one year ahead of me, so probably, he can help me with the work.

Instead of knocking, I went straight inside this time, he was sitting on the bed, working on his laptop.


"Hey" I said as  I yawned.

I slowly sat on his bed and he closed his laptop immediately.

"So what brought you here", omg why is his voice hotter than usual.

"Well you see, I have this math homewor-"

"NOPE" he spat out and starting working on his laptop again.

I mean, what type of disrespectful behavior is this? I am really exhausted too and if it wasn't for this stupid compulsory math homework I would have never bothered to disturb him in the slightest.

And  I did wanted to see him again.

I quickly pushed his laptop shut and leaned in closer. I gave him a pair of puppy eyes and a pout, which he rolled his eyes at.

"Please lou"

"Okay fine, anything for you"

"Yayy" and I clapped my hands playfully

I opened my book and handed it to him, "question 6"

"This is so easy"

"Care to tell me how?"

I moved and sat beside him, to concentrate better.

"You are so dumb" he mocked

"oh-my-god, just give it back to me" I yelled as I snatched the book out of his hands.

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt