4| Why not

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My whole body was  becoming numb, just because of the work I did in school. I was worn out and exhausted when i came back home. I really just had one wish

fall on my bed and take a nap.

I entered my room and closed the door behind my back. The amount of pain i was feeling in my body after waking up at 4 in the morning, then going to the airport miles away to pick up louis, then go to school, AND attempt a test, truly hectic.

The test didn't go too well. I was deprived of sleep.

 But there was no time to think about all this, it was 4 in the evening  already and i needed a nap to keep myself alive.

I opened my window to let the sunshine peek through, i loved it when my room felt sun kissed

As i was about to sleep, i heard a small knock on the door.

"May I- um, come in ?" It was Louis.

"Um yeah sure, come in", why am I this awkward

He slowly entered through the door, lowering his back and shut the door behind him. We exchanged hand waves and I told him to sit down.     

I straightened my blanket for him to sit down.

As he sat down, i noticed that  sunshine was passing through the strands of his hair, and his eyes were sparkling. I could tell he just woke up as his hair was puffed up.

"Soooo... " he said. "How was school today."

I was constantly blinking my eyes and couldn't sit still, it was obvious I was sleepy. And he saw that too.

"Oh- I guess I came in at a wrong time, I should let you rest" he said, standing up from the bed.

"No No, I am absolutely fine, you can stay " I smiled.

"if you say so " he said, sitting back down.

"So yeah, as I was saying ,how was school today"

"It was fine actually,  my test didn't go well."

He ran his fingers through his fluffy hair and  then smiled softly. "Well y/n, if you need help regarding your studies , you can count on me"

I couldn't believe this, I spilled my hot coffee all over him, and despite of all that, he was being nice and respectful  to me, hun, how unusual.

"Oh yeah thankyou, I will", I nodded.

"So, tell me something about your self ", I said realigning my posture and continued, "I mean, do you have any hobbies "

"I love playing the piano , and skateboarding, I even write songs sometimes."

"OH wow ! that's - really cool."------"I like doing dishes too"

I chuckled, "Extraordinary, indeed."

.We both shared a laugh.

"Well,  mind telling me something about yourself now ?"------"I like reading books, umm ,that's basically it."

"um hmm, what's your favorite color ?"

"Yellow, reminds me about joys of life "

"I love yellow too ! " he then sighed and looked down.

"Along with watching the stars." I stated calmly.

He opened his mouth to talk but stopped himself and looked down. I guess he was trying to say something, but was hesitating.

"Do you have something in mind louis ?"

"yeah "

"Louis, If you have any problem, you can share it with me, feel free."

"No, that is -not the case, I  just, I am very frank and straight forward."

"Yes." I  was utterly confused, what was he about to say ? 

"Will you be my friend ?"

I stopped for a second, and thought, I thought we already were. "Oh louis, why not ! I love making new friends "

Besides, I only have one best friend at school, so having another one wouldn't mind.

"That's very nice " And He continued "So," he held out his hand in front of me 

"friends ?"

I shaked his hand, and smiled, "Friends." 

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now