26| To Begin

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I shoved my ice cold hands deep into my jacket's pocket as I clutched onto the room key and using a swift movement, passed the key on the door and sighed.

I pressed my lips into a thin line throughout until I entered the elevator and on the hear of a bing, moved out of the hotel.

Parting my lips, the white fog emitted my lips as my eyes came in contact with the familiar hazel ones. I glanced down on the watch wrapped around my wrist to read the time, it was sharp 10p.m.

The boy stood up from the bench and walked closer to me as he gulped, "Hey."

"Hey" I gave him a small smile, "So um are we gonna sit here or walk as we go."

He shrugged, "Anything that suits you."

"Hm,"I hummed in response, "I guess it's just better to talk as we walk along."

His hands were shoved deep into his jumper's pocket, so were mine as I closed my eyes and let the cold breeze his my ears. Although the night was shivering cold, the inside of my body felt as if it's warming up by each passing second. He glanced at me just before speaking up again.

"What brought you here?"

"My teacher. She signed me up for a judge at this competition when I didn't want to, but I couldn't reject her since I respect her a lot. But I didn't expect to....erm."

"Run into me like this?" He completed with a smile plastered over his lips.

"Run into you like this." I chuckled.

"But isn't it always like this," he stated while raising his eyebrows, taking another step ahead, "That I run into you and leave you stunned."

The side of my lips let out a small sigh, "Well it's not always that you run into me and leave me stunned." I looked over to him with glint in my eyes, "Sometimes you leave unexpectedly and leave me stunned."

"I knew it would get here," he mumbled which he thought was inaudible to me, "It was for the better."

"But it didn't do any better. The happiness you thought I would receive once you left never even touched me in the slightest." I objected, "Tell me, Louis, how can you encounter perfection once you have already seen it?"

His eyes came back to me slowly once he started to ponder what to say next, "What are you even talking about, who's happiness?" he asked absent-mindedly.

I raised my gaze up to meet his, "Is there even anything left to lie about, Lou?" I remarked and sighed defeatedly, "Judy told me everything, everything you did for me to receive the happiness you thought you could never give."

He moved his eyes around before he closed them, "So, you know?"

"I know," I breathed out. "Being flawless isn't even possible, Louis, it's a word to set boundaries off things that doesn't even exist. Then how can you expect someone to be it when no one has seen an example?"

I gazed over to him as his eyes were glued over to his footsteps as he listened carefully to what I was saying.

"The thing you did wasn't okay, okay?" my voice became more stern, "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have experienced those little joys I never knew existed. Sticking together in every up and down is what brings happiness, not leaving anyone to be on their own. How can you smile once the reason you smiled all this time leaves?"

"You are the reason I am where I am right now. The reason to why those tiniest of the moments feel special with your presence. You told me to love myself, be strong and that, that is the greatest gift I have ever received."

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora