1: Valentine's Day

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I wake up to my phone's alarm ringing. I switch it off and stretch my arms. One of them accidently hits my husband's shoulder making me bite my tongue, but thankfully he doesn't move a muscle. I heave a sigh of relief and get out of bed.

Daniel is a very busy man. He's very rich as in, multi-millionaire rich. We first met in college and got married with time.

I take a bath and then change into a pair of jeans and a white sweater. I step out of my bedroom and walk down the hallway. Everything is done by the servants, from cleaning cars to doing the laundry, everything. The one responsibility that I can't trust anyone with is, my daughter.

The moment I step foot in her bedroom, the world around me changes. There is pink everywhere. The walls, the curtains, furniture, everything is in different shades of pink. I carefully step around Vanessa, her pet puppy. I sit down on the bed and try to wake her up.

Even though Hazel is only three and does not go to school, I always wake her up at 8 a.m. The one habit that I want her to develop is to get up as early as possible in the morning because it's something both Daniel and I prefer. But unfortunately Hazel and I never agreed on this and every morning I have to force her to get up.

"Hazel, wake up." She stays still. "Please." No response. "Pretty please." Still no response. I sigh and say what always does the trick. "You can watch Frozen while you have breakfast."

She sits up at once and gives me a hug with her small arms. "Good morning." She mumbles.

I smile and hug her back. When I pull away, her eyes are closed and she's drifting off. Again.

"Bunny!" I call out to wake her up. She opens her eyes and rubs them.

I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom and set her down on the edge of the sink. I hand her her toothbrush. She automatically starts brushing. In the mean while I fill the tub with water. Once she's done, I help her out of her clothes and then help her in. She splashes water and I back away at once. After some time, she's dried up and wearing a purple hoodie with black tights.

I take her down to the dining room where breakfast is already laid out. It's the same as always, Weetabix for me and baked beans for Hazel. She finishes before me and then announces.

"You promised that I could watch Frozen."

"Go ahead." I tell her.

She runs off to the living room. Kids these days can do anything. She knows how to use the DVD player. She even knows how to use a laptop. When I was her age I didn't even know what these things were let alone how to use them.

Once I'm done too, I get up and reach out for my phone. At that very moment a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see that it's Daniel. I shift in his arms so that I can face him.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He says, touching his forehead to mine.

"Thanks. You too." With this I press my lips against his.

No matter how busy he might be but he gives me all the attention I want. Again, because I'm his queen. He produces a box from his pocket and holds it out to me.

"This is all that I was able to get." I take it from him and open it. It's a diamond studded bracelet!

I throw my arms around his neck. When I pull away I whisper. "Thank You."

He smiles at me and then kisses me. We pull away to the sound of giggles. I pull away to see that it's Hazel.

"Hey Bunny!" He gets down on his knees, so that they're both at the same level. He gives her a hug as I ask her. "What was so funny?"

"Dad and you." She replies. I smile at her childishness and lean down to tickle her.

She at once backs away, laughing.

Then my husband says something that makes me sad. "I really want to take you out tonight but I can't."

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because we're going to be on an airplane then." He pulls out three tickets and waves them in the air.

"OMG! Paris!" I exclaim as I read what's written on them.

"It won't be much of a family vacation because I have to attend meetings and take care of some work. But you can take Hazel with you and explore the city." He says. Hazel hugs his legs, saying. "Thank you daddy." Daniel picks her up and swings her around.

"Anything for my girls."

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