72. The Disobedient

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"Mind to tell me what an effortless beauty is doing mingling on the sidelines as if she is already not captivating the attention of every gentleman in this room," an older man spoke, making Lotus spin around in surprise from where she'd lingered back to look out the open window.

In front of her, a tall man with exceptional weight that overtook a large amount of space around him as he stopped in front of the girl. Lotus's eyes caught a glimpse of the deep scar just above his left eyebrow and the green eyes looking back at her --it wasn't hard to realize just who it was who had approached her.

The Basha.

"Taking a moment to enjoy the view," she allowed a bright smile to cross over her expression while her mind already began racing with all the ways she would bring the man to justice. Lotus lowered herself into half of a curtsy. "The Egyptian Kingdom is utterly flawless... so breathtaking, do you not agree? It amazes me every time."

Just as she glanced outside once again, Lotus felt the Sagittarius take another step toward her with his hands remaining clasped behind his back. Layla was standing close to her... she could feel the girl's presence; it offered an additional sense of security. "That it is. I have seen it so many times, nonetheless the sight manages to clear my worries everytime my eyes settle themselves upon it," he spoke, but his eyes were focused only on the girl in front of him.

Lotus met his gaze with a kind smile, slightly nodding her head at the words that made her grow uncomfortable. So this was the man who'd attempted to kill Keket the first time. "Yes... it does retain that effect."

"Well, I will have to return to my duties, but let me introduce you to the Nigerian Prince, his highness Prince Yoruba," the Basha moved aside to reveal a dark-skinned, bald boy who looked slightly older than Lotus. The Prince offered her a gentle smile as he approached the two. "Your highness, Lady...," he turned to Lotus with his eyebrows with an unusual elegance in his features.

She pulled in a deep breath, letting her fingers gently grasp the edges of her gown as the girl raked her mind for a name. What was that book she was reading before all of this? "Sabra, Lady Sabra," she nodded modestly, only keeping her act up in front of the Basha.

He was the only one that mattered right now.

But, when he seemed satisfied with the introduction, the Sagittarius looked between the two proudly before excusing himself and leaving her alone with the Nigerian Prince --the heir to the Kingdom that directly rivaled Egypt. What was he doing here? And what was it about his features that brought a sense of familiarity into the girl's chest?

The man flashed a handsome smile in her direction. His brown eyes and sculpted features would have rendered any girl speechless, but Lotus's attention was focused on the Basha beginning to move toward the ballroom with the advancing crowd that seeped through the door. Standing in the corridor didn't seem as efficient now. "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Sabra," he bowed.

"Entirely," Lotus quickly responded when she felt Layla's hand wrap around her wrist and lightly tug her toward the room.

Leaving the Prince standing in astonishment at her response, Lotus rushed as casually as she could into the ballroom where the King, Queen, and Basha would be.

"You slipped up a bit there, Lotus," Layla whispered from beside her, still masked by the alteration in light that moved around the girl's body, making her invisible to the human eye.

"He was getting in the way," Lotus answered quietly, lifting her gown and walking with the other royals into the ballroom. "Besides, he's a Prince and I'm an Egyptian fugitive, it's not like the conversation was going to get anywhere."

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