39. A Stumbling Block

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Zahra pressed her lips together, pulling in a deep breath to calm her nerves with every step she took over the second dune. The cave was far behind her now and the echo of all the approaching footsteps growing louder, stronger, and much more terrifying.

But she couldn't turn back now. She couldn't run back to the cave and say she'd changed her mind, that she would risk everyone's safety because she was too scared to stand beside her word. They weren't rushing as much now because she'd given them a chance to collect their belongings and clean the cave of their traces.

If she went back, they would be at a disadvantage due to her weakness. Odion was relying on her, so were Keket, Akil, Tau, Suma, Aharon, Aaron, Layla, Seth, Asarte, Lotus, and Chione were all depending on her to give them time. She needed to give them the time they needed.... She would give them time.

They'd grown on her. Even with their divergent aggressiveness, kindness, childishness, and maturity, they had all carved their own places in Zahra's mind and chest. They were just like her younger brother; born with a curse they had no control over, yet still hunted like criminals for doing nothing more than existing. Since when did being born a certain way make you dangerous.

Everybody was human regardless.

That was when she took the final step that exposed her to the marching army. Her eyes immediately scanned over all of the trained men stomping toward her with their weapons leaned against their shoulders to showcase their advantage over the Zodiacs.

With a lift of his hand, the Pharaoh stopped the entire group of warriors and knights at the sight of her. She wasn't wearing a cape or protective armor; Zahra was just a girl in a black shirt and pants that held a single sword in her right hand as she walked toward them with her head raised --she wouldn't be scared.

Master Omari's eyes landed on her, widening in surprise at the sight of the single girl that dared to face such a large military on her own.

No, no, no, no --this was why he'd risked shooting an arrow, so she could get away with the others. She was supposed to have escaped with them before the Pharaoh and his men had the chance to arrive at their cave. Why would she do something so stupid?

She met his gaze, seeing the way his eyebrows twitched with contained confusion that bordered on fury. It wasn't hard for Zahra to familiarize herself with his possible thoughts at the moment. He must be angry at her for being so foolish.

Because she was being foolish.

She'd walked across the desert to die.

"The Seventh Soldier," the Pharaoh spoke calmly, his voice carrying across the space between them with ease. He didn't seem angry or dangerous at all in the way he raised his eyebrows at her with amusement. "I've heard stories of your behavior, but I see now that you're much more bold than I could have ever imagined. It would be admirable if you had the intelligence to suffice."

Zahra pulled in a deep breath, meeting the King's gaze as she'd never dared to do before. Any soldier who made eye contact with his Royal Majesty would be killed for their blatant disrespect. But she was a criminal now... there wasn't much to lose that she wasn't already planning on forfeiting for the sake of her brother.

"Yes," the queen spoke from alongside her husband. Zahra had considered it unusual that she joined in battle, but she didn't care to question it. "Your brother is a Zodiac... Odion Tor, if I am correct? Which I am," she raised an unkind eyebrow.

Almost immediately, Zahra faltered at the realization that the queen had continued onto her thoughts as if they'd been having a conversation. She remained quiet, even though her mind couldn't stop questioning the Royal Wife.

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