The Aftermath

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Hello everybody!!!! It's been a long time since I updated this story so now I decided to as I sit on this boring bus.
Just saying this is a filler chapter. Just an update on Hazel.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters they all belong to John Greenie.
The pain rolled in like a truck. Crushing my heart and lungs. Smashing my soul into so many pieces that there are too tiny to count. Breaking my legs and arms. Slicing my body in half. Pulling the hair from my scalp. It felt as if my life was crumbling before my eyes. Stumbling, rolling away never to be heard of again.

I'm scrunched in a fetal position. My hands ripping my hair as I sit there screaming. Feeling hot tears spill from my eyes. I want to sit there rocking back and forth, screaming. Scream until my voice is lost. Cry until there are no more tears to cry. Stay there until my body is stuck into that position.

Basically life sucks right now.

My mom rushes in and hugs me. She wipes the tears from my face and tells me to calm down. A few minutes later I'm only hyper ventilating, which doesn't feel the best when you have lung cancer. My dad feeds me some warm chicken noodle soup as my mom holds me.
"Why does it hurt so much?" I sob.
"That's just the way the human heart works, I guess." My dad pats my head.
"Do you want to skip support group today?" My mom suggests.

Hmm. My mental state is not at it's best right now, but I don't want to sit the whole day thinking about Isaac. I want to be distracted. I need to walk around a bit and get some fresh air.

"No, I don't."
"Are you sure, honey?"
My dad claps his hands together. "Then we better get going."

The walk to the church building felt like forever. My feet felt like lead and my head was spinning with sadness and anger. When I finally get to the church's doors I find Isaac starting up the elevator. His eyes were bloodshot and he has dark circles under his eyes. I only notice this because he took his shades off to rub his tired eyes.

Before the elevator doors shut I put my arm to block it and hop in. I ask no questions, I don't even speak. It's just me and him in an elevator. I stare at him knowing that I shouldn't. But is it wrong to still be slightly attracted to the person that smashed your heart? I always loved the way that his sunglasses were always lopsided when he put them on. And whenever he gets nervous he rubs his palms together. The way his hair falls perfectly messy around his face. His loving smile that would make feel tingly all over.

Too bad he's a complete jerk.

I shake my head. Why am I thinking like this? I should've taken the stairs. No, you would've fainted when you got to the top. I look back at Isaac. Should I hate myself for wanting to kiss him? His soft, pink lips are literally calling me. I slap myself in the face to make me stop thinking this way. But I slap a little too hard.

"Ow," I mutter. "shoot."
"Hazel?" Isaac asks curiously.
I don't answer back.
"Hazel, please. I want to talk." His voice was shaking. "I'm so, so sorry I hate myself more than you hate me right now. And," He starts to break down in tears. In some part in my heart I feel bad for him, just a little though.

Should I comfort him right now? It wouldn't be appropriate, but it would also be cruel to let him just be there in his own sadness.

"Isaac." I start but then I feel this rush of anger. I ball my fists, then the elevator door conveniently opens on our floor and I rush out.
That's that. I know it sucked (Like it seriously sucked. Truly and deeply.) but I'm planning something later in the story. Should I put it in the next chapter?
Bye bye!

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