Chapter 5: There's Only One Direction Away From Home

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A/N: Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had an amazayn Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever else you celebrated. Here's the fifth chapter of Runaways and I would just like to say that for the next handful of chapters this story is taking a different turn. This is where the story starts to become more thriller than humour but don't worry! It won't be all dark and ominous like some other fanfics that I've read. I'm pretty sure that I have bored you all and you probably just skipped this anyways and went on to the story so I'm just going to say random things like blue baboons bounce bananas before breakfast. (I dare someone to say that five times fast:P.

Also, for anyone who might ask, Adam Hart is in no way based off 1D's real manager, Will Bloomfield.

Harry's P.O.V

We've done some pretty crazy things in the past but this tops them all. I mean, sneaking out of hotel rooms and restaurants is one thing, but trying to sneak out of a country is a different matter entirely. This is the big leagues now.

"Flight 19 to Florence Italy is now boarding. Vol de 19 a Florence Italie est maintenant d'embarquement."

"That's ours."

Nonchalantly, the five us pick up our carry-ons and make our way to the gate. My heart is beating so hard that I think it's going to explode out of my chest. All it would take now is one minor slip-up to send this entire mad idea crumbling into the dust, and us back to Adam. I hope they don't think that we're terrorists or something because of how tense we're acting, I really don't need that added to my plate.

I feel someone lightly poke my shoulder and I lift my head up to meet Louis' blue eyed stare.

"Thought you might need something to calm those nerves mate."

He passes me a mini twix bar and I flash him a small smile. I'm so happy to have a best mate who knows exactly what to do if I'm feeling down.

"Tickets please?"

I almost jump out of my skin and stare at the ticket lady with wide eyes. Okay, calm down Styles, you've made it this far. Can't mess up now.

"Sorry, you just startled me out of my thoughts." I stutter out, handing her my ticket.

"That's fine love," she says, "Enjoy your flight."

I walk past her, feeling a strange sense of euphoria, moments later, Louis joins me and I grab his hands. We jump up and down for a few seconds before realizing that there's a few people giving us odd stares and we resume our normal, calm demeanor and walk into the plane.

"Oh my god we're doing this." Louis says, collapsing into a seat.

"We're doing this." I reply.

Zayn, Liam and Niall arrive in the plane a few seconds later and I see that Niall is almost exploding with excitement.

"Guys we're going to Italy! Oh my god this is going to be awesome! I get to eat real Italian food! I'M SO HAPPY!"

"Niall mate, calm down, please." Liam says, putting a hand on the Irish boy's head and guiding him to an empty seat, "Save the bouncing around for when we actually get to Italy."

"That's what she said." Lou and I snicker at the same time.

"You immature little children!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air and sliding into the seat beside Niall.

"Little children? BUT LILI I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!" Louis gasps, feigning hurt.

As predicted, Daddy Direction doesn't bother to respond, just merely huffs and settles back into his seat. I'm about to do the same when I feel the ever so familiar insistent poking of my shoulder begin.

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