Wild Awake (2013)

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Wild Awake - Hilary. T. Smith (2013)

Rating: 1/5

Genre: Contemporary, YA


Somebody shoot me. This book was awful. I have read so many positive reviews on this book but I honestly thought it was shit. For those who like it, what the hell did you see in this book that I clearly missed?

This novel starts off with the main character, Kiri getting high. Wow, what a positive message to send to your readers! Honestly, I don't know how I finished this book, I kept wanting to throw it at the wall. Was this book meant to be a joke? It was certainly stupid enough.

This book is marketed as a young adult novel. NO. PLEASE STOP. NO. As a teenager I can tell you that this is not a young adult novel and I would strongly recommend that if you are a teenager, please do not read this book. I know that we teenagers can be easily swayed by the things we see and read. Kiri is constantly on drugs, does completely irrational things and acts like an idiot all he fucking time. This is not a good book and sets a terrible example.

And honestly, what kind of parents, who have already lost a daughter leaves their other daughter home alone for SIX ENTIRE WEEK so they can go on a cruise?? Not good parents, that's who.

Kiri is irresponsible, she does things like ride down to the sketchy part of town on her bike to meet a guy she doesn't know and going home with some other random guy so he can fix her bike. Seriously wtf??

"You got hit by a car and you didn't tell me?"

I swing my legs off his lap and sit up. "Whatever, homey. The Way is an invincible fortress."

One of the characters in this novel has serious mental health problems (anger issues) and I understand better than you will ever know just how serious this subject is and honestly I think the author did a shit job of writing this character. I thought Smith was being very insensitive when talking about the illness and it really pissed me off (the dude has been prescribed meds for a reason jfc hive him the meds, Smith!)

Another thing about Kiri, she's crazy. She's a friggin lunatic. Kiri likes to ride around on her bicycle doing idiotic things. Kiri should be in a mental institution, at one stage she hadn't slept for days and she was lying under her piano saying she likes it there. WTAF??

In one part of the book Kiri took around 16 ibuprofen and some sleeping pills while smoking pot. How she was still walking the next day is completely beyond me.

The romance in this book just makes me incredibly pissed off so I won't talk about it much but it was all incredibly stupid. For one third of the book Kiri is in "love" with her band mate Lukas, but then she meets a boy called Skunk and he calls her beautiful and then she decides she's in love with him instead. "Bicycle boy'' and "Crazy girl" are fucked up as shit and need to be checked into a mental institution.

This book was pointless and has no plot, I honestly have no idea what the point of the novel was.

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