Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy (2011-2014)

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Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy (2011-2014) - Laini Taylor


Daughter of Smoke and Bone: 4.5/5

Days of Blood and Starlight: 4.5/5

Dreams of Gods and Monsters: 4.5/5

Series overall: 5/5

Genre: YA, dystopian

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

I reviewed this last year. Check it out!

I think I love this book so much because of the ideas behind it, I mean come on, the monsters are the good guys. Who wants to read something where the monsters are the good guys? MEEEEEEE!!

This book also has the most amazing characters in fictional existence. Karou is a bad ass and Zuzana is adorably quirky but a little crazy. Also Akiva is hot as hell (oh, and he's pretty bad ass as well).

Days of Blood and Starlight

This novel is A LOT darker than the first and if possible, got me more into the series. Usually (going from past trilogies I've read) the second books are usually the worst ones because not much happens, but I beg to differ with this one, so much happened in the novel and there's still more!

For those wondering yes, Mik and Zuzana are in this, still adorable and quirky as ever.

This novel is action packed and dark. It isn't quite as fluffy as the last one but I found that when it started getting really dark Zuzana and Mik were only a few chapters away.

This book is full of darkness, loneliness, dirt, pain and betrayal. Days of Blood and Starlight is not for the faint of heart.

"What are we fighting for? What are we killing for? What do you see when you look into the future?"

I've heard that some people were upset about the lack of romance development which honestly surprised me because yes, there was little to no romance development but Karou has a lot on her plate in this novel and considering all the things she just found out about her past I think it's safe to say, was it me in her place I would be extremely cautious about jumping back onto the wagon as well.

Dreams of Gods and Monsters

"Once upon a time, an angel and a devil pressed their hands to their hearts and started the apocalypse."

Woah. So I literally just finished this book and woah. Woooaaahhhhhhhh. Admittedly the book is rather large but that's because Laini Taylor has created such a massive world and such a massive story with so many components that it would be hard to size it down.

I loved this novel but there was one thing I disliked. Taylor introduced new characters, which made me a bit uncomfortable because all of a sudden they were thrown in and they were really important to the plot. Also I felt like I didn't really know them because they had only been part of the story for such a short time. This is not my favourite instalment in the trilogy but it is still an epic conclusion even though not quite everything is resolved.

One of the new characters is a mystery for the most part of the book. Who is she? What is she? Why does she dream of gods and monsters?

In all honesty I can't give this trilogy enough praise, overall it is a resounding 5 stars.

Night of Cake and Puppets (2013) - Laini Taylor

Rating: 5/5

Night of Cake and Puppets is a novella that focusses on the adorable couple, Zuzana and Mik from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. The trilogy is very dark so it was fun to read about the characters when they were a bit more laid back and not fighting and stuff like that. In the first book we know that eventually 'Violin boy' and Zuzana get together but we don't really know how but boy, it certainly is an interesting story.

This novella is incredibly adorable and honestly if you don't love it there must be something wrong with you. It's so fluffy and I've read it more times than I can count. IT'S THE MOST ADORABLE NOVELLA IN EXISTANCE PLEASE READ IT!!

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