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For a moment, it felt real.

The whisper of a touch upon his shoulder blades is almost unnoticeable, the same way that dust dances midair, caught in the sunbeams before settling into a new home. The roar of laughter which felt so reminiscent of the ocean waves crashing against the sandy shore. Endless depths of color framed perfectly with dark lashes that seemed to encompass the night sky and its entirety so effortlessly.

It felt real.

But, even so, he remembered. He remembered that the dust that settles can just as easily be stirred up again. That the sandy shores the ocean leaned upon would one day be gone. That the stars in the sky wouldn't be the same forever. That the realness he felt just now was nothing more than a desperate attempt to hold onto something that was leaving him as quickly as it appeared.

It felt real. It felt heavy. It felt like too much. 

Dances and Ruin// Reiner Braun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now