Forgiveness and Confessions

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The next morning you got up and saw everyone up in the kitchen. Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all chatting and ginny was laughing at a joke Bill had made. You saw fred and george sitting at the table. Fred didn't look very happy, he looked kind of sad and george was trying to cheer him up.

"Well good morning to you guys too!" you said walking over to the table stealing one of georges pieces of bacon.

Molly walked over to you. "how are you feeling dear?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Perfectly fine.." you said sitting down between george and bill. You could feel fred glance at you from across the table.

Everyone kept chatting then breakfast was over. You were all heading to kings cross tomorrow. You stood up and helped molly with all of the dishes then you ran outside and met up with everyone else.

"Hey guys watcha doin?" you asked as you saw them throwing a football back and forth.

"Just throwing the football around having fun, if you're wondering where fred is he went to the forest said 'I want some alone time if anyone asks im hidding'. " bill said imitating fred.

You ran to the treehouse out in the forest that only you, fred, and george knew about.

"Freddie you in here?" you asked climbing up the ladder. He was nowhere to be seen. You went to a latch at the top of the tree house that led to the roof. He was up there, looking over all the trees. You stared at him for a little bit just looking over his face all of his individual freckles and his beautiful hazel eyes.

He looked back at you.

"Oh its just you.." he said with an annoyed tone.

"Freddie can we talk please?" you said sitting down next to him.

He nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry for what I said ok.." you said looking out into the forest.

"I just hate getting heart broken. I was cheated on in my 3rd year and I just put up a wall between me and my feelings i'm sorry freddie for what I said, I really care about you.." you said turning your head, tears started to fill up in your eyes.

"Its ok love im here for you.." he gave you a hug and you melted in his arms. You looked back up at him.

"Thank you freddie.." you said staring into his eyes they looked back at you and he smiled reassuringly.

"Can you ever forgive me?" you asked.

"Yes I forgive you.." he said looking into your eyes.

You laid back down on the roof and he laid back too. You guys kept talking and talking about random things; school, quidditch, and pranks. Then you brought something up.

(This scene I got from stranger things season 3 when steve is talking to Robin ;) if you know what im talking about thank you)

"Ask me something, interrogate me.." you say looking up at the clouds.

"Yea ok interrogate you, yea sure ummmm.. when was the last time you uh, peed your pants?" fred asked looking up at the clouds aswell.

"last quidditch game.." you said looking at the giraffe shapped cloud.

"What?" he said chuckling sitting up and looking at you.

"When we were playing and a bludger came straight at my face and you came up and hit it away.." you said sitting up and chuckling.

"It was just a little bit.." you said and you both started to die laughing.

"Ok my turn.." you said looking at him.

His Love ~ Fred Weasley x reader ❤️Where stories live. Discover now