Getting ready

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After everyone got to the tent arthur told the girls to one side and the boys to the other. You, ginny, and hermione all got into your side of the tent which was quite nice.

"Soooo Y/N.." ginny said holding out the 'o' for way too long. "What's it like having 2 boys fawning over you?"

You looked at her with a confused look. "What're you talking about ginny?" you said still confused.

"Well Fred has a giant crush on you, duh, but like there's also cedric. He was eyeing you out when we first saw him and his dad. Fred looked pissed though, he looked like he was about to punch cedric.." ginny said giggling.

"First of all they're not fawning over me and second, if I were to pick I don't really know who I'd chose.." you said blushing slightly.

"You don't know how its so obvious who you like more!" ginny said screaming.

"Ginny who would that be?" you said questioning her.

"Well lets figure this out if they were to both ask you to the ball.." (which is a yearly thing there.) "then who would you say yes to?" ginny said loudly.

"OMG ginny thanks for telling everyone its not like were talking about boys and there's an entire tent of those.."

"Just answer the question!!" hermione said not looking up from a new book she was reading.

"wellllll if i'm being honest with you.." you whispered "I think I would take Fred."

"I KNEW IT YOU LIKE MY BROTHER!!" ginny screamed af the top of her lungs.

"and which brother would that be?" george said as he and fred leaned on both beams of the entrance of you and the girls side of the tent.

"None of you!" you said throwing a pillow at ginny.

"No need to get aggressive L/N.." george said chuckling.

"Well ginny gave me a choice between 2 boys so I choose and now shes going crazy.." you said looking back up at the boys.

"Well what were your choices?" fred said in a kind of jealous tone.

"It was you or-" ginny said but you cut her off by throwing a pillow at her.

"Don't you dare say another word." you said red starting to fill into your cheeks.

"Well someone is getting defensive again.." hermione said in a sing songy tone.

"Well who was the second person then.." fred said blushing.

"Diggory.." you said looking down at the ground.

"You picked fred over cedric! why would you ever do that!" george screamed. You were blushing like crazy still staring at the ground.

"It's just a stupid question for the ball whats the big deal.." you said mumbling.

"The big deal is it's the ball. the ball that everyone goes to." hermione said still shocked.

"Well I don't really know Cedric and I've known Fred for years so yea, I'd go with my best friend.." you said staring back at him.

"Oof fred you just got best friended that must hurt.." george said laughing.

"Oh shut up and leave you brother alone george.." you said standing up. "It's ok freddie i'll go with you to the ball anyday.." you said wrapping your hand around him hugging onto his side. He looked a little disappointed but when you said that his face got a little brighter.

"Anyway your dad said we gotta get water so fred you coming with?" you said looking up at hin.

"Anytime love.." he said you going back to the shade of pink you were trying to brush off.

His Love ~ Fred Weasley x reader ❤️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя