The game

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Right after dinner you and everyone else headed back up to their rooms. You went to ginny's room with her and hermione, and plopped down on your bed.

"So what were you telling Fred when you sat down and he blushed like crazy?" ginny asked as she sat down on her own bed.

"Nothing..." you said turning to the side going a little pink thinking about it.

"Really no reason.. then why are you blushing right now?" hermione said while ginny giggled.

"I-I'm not, I just um, we should just get ready for the game later..." you said trying to change the subject. like that was gonna work.

"hey, we asked you a question..." ginny said looking straight at you.

"Yes I know you asked me a question I have just chosen not to answer it..." you said which gave you an eye roll from hermione.

"But come on, I know my brother has a giant crush on you. But how do you not see it?" ginny said as she watched you go an even brighter shade of pink.

"Ginny, your brother does NOT have a crush on me.." you said turning back to your quidditch gear.

"Y/N are you serious you don't see it!" hermione said suprised.

"ok, I'm going to list the reasons why and how he shows it, listen..." said ginny.

"Whatever you say gin.." you said still putting your quidditch gear on.

" #1, you are very pretty and he stares at you a lot." ginny said staring at you.

"#2, he never ever follows any other girl around like a lost puppy like how he follows you around." said hermione still not looking up from her book.

"And #3, and he talks about you non-stop.." ginny said looking back at me after she put all her gear on.

"Guy Fred doesn't have a crush on me!" you screamed hoping most of the house didnt hear you.

Then you looked to the doorway, and there Fred was, blushing like crazy.

"Well I was coming to tell you guys my mum and dad went to bed... But then I overheard you guys so I stayed to listen. I didn't know it was about me." he said rubbing the back of his head blushing really hard. He looked super embarrassed.

"It's fine Freddie I just can't get it past your sister that you don't have a crush on me.." you said trying to reassure him it was really okay.

"but its true, all of those things are true." ginny said earning a glare from fred and you.

"I definetly believe it and Y/N, when I tell you my brother talks about you a lot I mean like constantly talking about you." george said leaning over freds shoulder earning him a elbow to the stomach.

"Like I said earlier guys I was just excited that my best friend was coming.." fred said looking down at the ground.

"your lying.." ginny said giggling a little.

"Am not."

"Yes you are, you look at the ground when you lie.." george said which earned him a slap in the arm from you.

Trying to get the attention off of Fred you made up a quick plan.

"Last one outside has to grab everyones brooms.." as you said that you darted to the door past ginny and the twins.

It took them a second to finally understand what you said but once they did the twins bolted down the stairs after you. By the time they got to the bottom of the stairs you were already by the door opening it. You got outside and jumped around yelling "I win! I win! I win!"

His Love ~ Fred Weasley x reader ❤️Where stories live. Discover now