chapter thirty

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"I don't like that we're doing this behind her back, Harry."

The three of them sat around Louis' kitchen table like they had been just a few short days ago, the only missing factor was a girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Robin was sat in his uniform - the sight alone sending Harry into a state of irritation that he couldn't describe - as Louis stood from the table, rubbing his hands over his face as he shook his head.

"How many times do I have to tell you that we're not going behind her back Lou," Harry said with an eye roll, feeling as though he shouldn't have to explain himself yet again.

"Really?" Louis muttered sarcastically. "Well then why the fuck isn't she here."

Harry just sat back into his chair, narrowing his eyes at Louis as he watched him pace back and forth through the kitchen. He couldn't help the anger fueling inside of him, as he stared at the boy in front of him. How could Louis not see that he was doing this for him... for her? Could he really be that blind and not understand that if anything happened to Louis, Harry would completely fall apart.

No matter how shitty his life would get, he knew that Louis was always going to be the constant in his life. After all the shit that Harry had pulled in the last nine years of knowing one another, Louis stuck with him through it all. He was the one who carried Harry away from a fight when it got too messy, the one who stood by his side when everyone else in that God forsaken town did nothing but look down on him. But most of all, Louis was the one who stayed up with him for hours as he cried. Louis was the only one who knew the real him, the only person who could look past all the bullshit he tried to hide behind and see Harry for who he truly was.

A broken soul who was simply trying to keep fighting... everyday... little by little.

"She's not going to be here until we are a hundred percent sure how we are going to handle this. We can't have her getting hurt because we were careless," Harry said quickly, turning his head to send Robin a dangerous look. "Because that's happened one too many times before."

Robin simply rolled his eyes at the dig, causing a scoff to leave Harry's gritted teeth as he narrowed his own at the man. He crossed his arms over his chest, his round face turning redder at the words that slipped from Harry's lips. He leaned back into his chair, his anger starting to show as that was now the third time Harry had made a comment about Robin's team letting Dean out of custody.

"You know what Harry?" Louis taunted, his patience finally running low for the first time in years. "I've put up with a lot of shit that you've done and I've stood by you through it all, but I will not sit here and act like you know what's best because you've been back for what? A month? Marley has been dealing with this shit for years so forgive me if I think she deserves to know whatever the hell it is you're planning."

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