Chapter 56: Turning points

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I walked out of the cell and trying to hold back the tears

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I walked out of the cell and trying to hold back the tears. It was clear that someone had tortured Loki and was able to control him, even without the use of the sceptre. But I had no way to find out who he was, even Loki couldn't even tell me who he was. I knew it was going to be impossible to find out who he was, so I had to focus on getting him out of Loki's head.

I walked back up towards the bridge alone, Phil saw that I needed space to think things over the moment I stepped out of the cell and gave me the space I needed. But the one person I need to see was Steve, I needed to tell him what I had found out from Loki. I was thinking about telling Thor, but as much as he matured, he wasn't the best at keeping secrets. So, I decided that I would tell Thor everything once I knew exactly what was going on, not before. I was still lost in someone grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop in the middle of the hallway. I immediately was on guard, creating an ice dagger in my hand as I turned on my heal to see Steve standing behind me.

"Steve! You scared me to death!" I said as I quickly got rid of the ice dagger.

"Sorry Angel but I was calling out to you. I'm guessing your meeting with Loki didn't go to well," he said, pulling me into him.

"I knew you would figure out where I was going," I sighed, holding on to Steve for dear life. "I managed to get through to him for a while and managed to get him to remember who I was. Someone has control over him and he's trying to fight it but he can't. He begged me to help him, to get him out of his head. But whoever it is that is doing this to him regained their control over him. He's scared, Steve and doesn't even know who's doing this to him. He doesn't want to hurt people, it's tearing him apart."

Steve lifted my chin up so I could look him in the eyes and brushed the hair out of my face so he could see me properly.

"We will figure this out Kimberly, I promise. I don't know how but we will. I know that he wouldn't be doing this of his own free will but I don't think the others will believe it."

"No, they won't. Well, everyone other than Thor," I conceded. "But we can't tell anyone because if Fury finds out, he will kick us off the mission and any chance of saving Loki will be lost."

"So, we'll keep it to ourselves for now. What Fury doesn't know won't hurt him," Steve said, smiling down at me as we continued to make out way through the maze of halls that were on the helicarrier.

We walked past the lab just in time to see Tony poke Bruce with what looked like some type of miniature electrical prod, making us stop and walk into the room to find out what the hell Tony was thinking.

"Hey!" Steve called out, getting their attention.

"Seriously Tony? Do you like aggravating people as much as possible?" I asked the billionaire but he completely ignored both of us.

"Nothing?" he questioned Bruce, making me realise that he was trying to provoke him. Tony actually wanted to see the Hulk.

"Are you nuts?" Steve snapped, but Tony still didn't bother to acknowledge either of us.

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