Chapter 9: Facing the Inevitable

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Six Months later- 1st December 1941

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Six Months later- 1st December 1941

Life had somewhat moved on since that day that Steve saved me. Bucky had finally accepted me and we had become close friends with Bucky almost acting like the big brother I never had. He had also got me a job at the diner that he had got dinner from on that first night thanks to that 'friend' who worked there. Steve and I had fallen into a routine and he had worked his way into my heart in a way that I would have never had expected. He always stood up to bullies, protecting the people around him. Of course, this led to Bucky bring him home with more injures than I could count. And every time I cleaned them up and didn't scold Steve in the way that Bucky did. I knew that Steve knew what he was doing and although it broke my heart every time he came home with a bloody lip or a black eye, I couldn't bring myself to be angry with him. It was that kindness in him that made love him even more.

As the months went on the war got worse with the Nazi invading more countries and claiming more land for their own. Both Steve and Bucky enlisted in the army. Bucky was accepted but Steve was given a 4F because of his health. When Bucky went away for basic training Steve tried enlisting again, more than once in different enrolment offices. And every time he got knocked back. I always knew when he had tried to enlist because when he came home, he was always quiet instead of his usual positive self. I never said anything to him about it, I just hugged him and tried to make him feel better about it.

When Bucky got home from training and found out what Steve was doing, the biggest fight that the three of us ever had, broke out in the apartment. Bucky couldn't believe that Steve would be so stupid to try to enlist again, that there were valid reasons that they would let him enlist. He also yelled at me for letting him to continue to try to enlist. Steve yelled back that it was his life and he had every right to do what every other man was doing, trying to protect his country. He told Bucky that he had never told me when he tried to enlist, it was always while I was at work. I eventually broke up the fight, but not without yelling at Bucky a few times myself.

It was a good two weeks before we spoke again. Bucky showed up at the apartments one morning with a sheepish smile and breakfast in his hands and none of us spoke about the fight. We just went back to the way the things were before but Bucky did keep a closer eye on Steve making sure he didn't try to enlist again.

They also noticed the closer it got to December, the more withdrawn I got. Although they had convinced me that I couldn't tell anyone about what happens in the war, Pearl Harbor played heavily on my mind. If only I could find someone in a high position to listen to me, maybe I could save the lives of the people on that day that would go down in infamy. But the more I tried to find a way, the more I realised that I would end up being thrown in to a hospital for mental disorders. But it didn't make it any easier, as the weather got colder the more the images of the Arizona came to mind. It was on the first of December everything changed.

 It was on the first of December everything changed

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