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We had been driving for about twenty minutes when I finally broke the silence. Clarke had held an almost pained expression, eyes trained on the desert in front of us for the whole ride, slightly scaring me with her silence.

"Sooo," I drawed out, "who taught you how to drive?"

"What?" she responded snappily, turning to look at me, "Oh, um, Monty" she finally finished as she seemed to have other things on her mind right now.

I wanted to question her, but she seemed to be stuck in her thoughts, barely even noticing me in the seat next to her. She had told me she couldn't reach the bunker, why were we going back? She looked crazed, leaning forward over the wheel scanning the desert for a sign. I put a hand on her forearm.

"Clarke, what are we doing?" I said quietly, scared to upset her.

"We are going to the buner like I said" she replied as if I was the crazy one.

I sighed and sat back, whatever was happening with Clarke I clearly was not going to get involved.

"There! See it?" she suddenly yelled, way too loud and startling me.

"Um, yeah?" I said, looking at the massive pile of rubble she pointed at.

"We're going to be fine, we made it. Before, it was just me digging but now I have you and we can totally do it," she went on, turning to look at me, "we can do it."

Her eyes were bright and happy but I saw a slight craziness to them. She's losing it, I thought, wishing she would just slow down and take a breath. When we had driven up to the pile she scrambled out of the rover, waving me over as she climbed up onto the pile.

"It's straight down" she said, "start digging."

I sighed, I knew I wasn't winning this battle with her and caved into her request, beginning to dig at the rubble. We were in a cave of sorts, having to first climb under some big boulders before getting to where we could begin to dig.

"So, what happens when we reach the bunker?" I said, trying to get Clarke to snap out of it and understand the delusional nature of what we were doing.

We were wasting energy on something that would not get us anywhere. We could be foraging or fishing or cleaning up after the storm, but here we were, digging towards a bunker that could be miles below us for all we knew.


"Keep digging Jamie. We're almost there" she cut me off harshly.

I sighed and bent down to pick up a big rock when a loud groan came from above us. The cave was collapsing.

"Clarke!" I yelled.

Before I could take a step a giant piece of the rock crumbled, pieces of hit flying everywhere and landing on me, pushing me down and cutting open my head. My vision went cloudy and my head pounded as I lay under the debris, the pressure of the pieces restricting my breath. I squinted in the dust, coughing.

"Clarke!" I called out weakly.

"Jamie!" I heard Clarke call back to me.

"Keep yelling, I'm coming!" she yelled.

I continued to yell her name until she finally found me under the rocks, quickly pulling them off of me and pulling me out from the debris.

I groaned in discomfort as she picked me up and brought me back to the top of the pile.

"Are you ok? Can you stand?" she asked, in a pretty demanding tone not really sounding concerned.

I pushed myself off the ground, limping slightly and my head throbbing, black blood streaming down my face.

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