Coming to Terms

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"It's really nice to finally meet you," Jordan spoke up brightly.

Clarke and Bellamy let go of me and turned to look at him.

"I-I've heard so much about you but it's really crazy to actually meet you for real," he continued, going on even when Clarke and Bellamy had stopped paying attention.

Clarke turned to me, studying my face. I forgot that I had really matured since the last time she saw me. I was eighteen now and the last time she saw me was when I was fifteen, just a kid. I looked at Bellamy, his eyes going from Jordan to me, demanding an explanation.

"Ok Jordan just-" I interrupted him, "hold on. Can you guys just wait here real quick?"

Clarke nodded reluctantly as I pulled Jordan out of the room by his sleeve.

"Oh my gosh Jame, I'm freaking out right now," he told me excitedly, "They're real. I mean, I knew they were real, obviously, but they are really real, like here, right now. Oh my gosh this is so cool-"

"Jordan!" I whisper yelled at him, "I know, I know, you're excited but we need to tell them everything still."

"Right," Jordan said, remembering our instructions, "well then first we need to bring them to the tech room and play the message.

"Ok," I said, "You set it up and I'll bring them down."

He nodded and headed down the hallway. I laughed to myself at his excitement. He was like a kid in a candy shop. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier for him, but I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. I jogged back to the bridge, Clarke and Bellamy immediately shooting to their feet when I appeared in the doorway. Clarke started speaking right away.

"Jamie, what is happening? Who is that? Why were you already awake and why do you look so old-"

"Hold on," I said, interrupting her, "I'm going to explain everything, just come with me"

"Jame-" Bellamy started but I cut him off.

"Just trust me," I cut in, "ok?"

Bellamy huffed, annoyed but nodded. I started walking out and they sped up to walk beside me. I could feel their eyes on me, trying to search my face for answers.

"Can you at least tell us how long we've been asleep?" Clarke asked.

"125 years," I answered, not looking back to see their reactions, "now come on, we have to show you something."

Once we got to the tech room, I went over to sit with Jordan after clicking on the video file.

The room fell silent as the bright, young faces of Monty and Harper lit up the screen. I watched them as they explained that they were staying awake. Jordan took my hand as we watched and I squeezed it, knowing how painful it was to be watching this right now.

"So hopefully, by now, if you're seeing this," Monty continued on the screen, "I found a new home for you."

Everyone in the room watched Jordan and I with bewilderment, but I just pointed at the screen, unable to explain it any better. The video skipped to a new clip.

"Hi!" Harper started the video, holding a bundle of blankets.

I leaned into Jordan and he let out a small sigh of bittersweet happiness. You could see the love in Monty and Harper's eyes as they introduced Jordan to the screen.

"Meet Jordan Jasper Green," Monty said, lifting up Jordan's little hand to wave at the camera.

A huge smile spread on Jordan's face next to me. The video skipped again, and this time Monty and Harper looked a little older. A seven or eight year old Jordan ran through the back of the video with no pants on, yelling and laughing as Monty got up to chase him. Another clip showed a slightly older Jordan peeking from behind Harper's chair, making funny faces at the camera as Harper tried to push him out of the screen. In between these heartwarming clips were more serious clips as Monty explained the situation to everyone.

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