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Harper sat at the foot of the bed Clarke had laid me down on.

"You know you had us pretty worried for a little there," she said softly, looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"I guess it was pretty dramatic huh?" I chuckled, choosing to take a more light hearted approach to the conversation, "so, what did I miss? When did Echo leave?"

I still didn't know how much I had missed and what had happened while I had been out. Harper sat up and cleared her throat before explaining.

"You were out for a good couple days, we've been taking shifts staying with you but I guess we weren't careful enough," she said winking and referencing my little secret meeting with Octavia, "anyway she did come see you once."

"Blodreina?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows and looking at her in confusion.

"I think deep down she does feel bad for what happened, even if she won't admit it. She said she expected to see you at wonkru training as soon as you were ready but I think she was really here to check if you were okay," Harper continued.

I was quiet, taking in what she just said. Wonkru training? There was no way Clarke would let me do that, it was too risky for people to see me as a warrior when I had nightblood. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to do that, I was worried it would take me back to my Azgeda training days. Still, a small part in me longed to train, to fight again. So much had happened over the last few days that I had no control over and fighting was one thing I could control. I was good, I was strong, I knew what I was doing. I had trained with Clarke over the past six years too so I knew I would be ready for whatever training Octavia imposed on me. Harper noticed me considering it and interrupted my thoughts.

"Jamie, you're not training with the wonkru soldiers. Bellamy and Clarke would never let you and it's not a good idea anyway. Bellamy practically told her to forget about it when she came in here asking about you and when he told Clarke she nearly stormed the bunker to yell at Octavia."

"Jeez," I breathed, "anyway u-um what about Echo? She's at the valley?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

Harper nodded, taking my hand before she told me what had happened.

"She left shortly after you passed out. It was almost impossible to get her to go but she was the best chance we had at infiltrating Diyoza's camp. Nice going getting the thumb drive to Clarke by the way," she explained, adding a little wink at the end.

I hummed in response, thinking back to the night of the defection. The memory was vivid and I winced slightly at the flashback.

"Is the eye down yet?" I asked, sitting up and grunting in pain slightly in doing so.

Harper shook her head and looked down.

"We haven't heard from the valley at all recently, no progress has been made, but we expected that it would take a little time, it's ok. Echo and Raven will figure it out" she reassured me, "you should get some rest, I'll let you know if anything changes."

"Ok, thanks Harper" I said, laying back down.

She was right, even my quick meeting with Octavia had tired me out pretty good. The pain in my stomach was more dull now and wasn't bothering me as much but moving around still put me in a discomfort and I quickly fell asleep.


The next morning when I woke up, Harper was asleep in a chair across the tent. I sat up sleepily and swung my legs off of the bed. I winced slightly and took a deep breath before getting up and putting on fresh clothes. I couldn't just lie around all day again, I had to get back into things, especially with everything going on, I couldn't spend the day in the tent being babysat. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and changed the bandage on my stomach and got dressed, feeling better just by getting ready. Before stepping out of the tent, I walked over to Harper and kissed her on the cheek. Though I had just met her, it felt like I knew her for most of my life through Clarke's stories and I trusted her already. It reminded me of how I used to kiss Clarke on the cheek every morning when it was just us two. Now I didn't know where she was and I hadn't seen her since our little disagreement. I stepped out of the tent and put my hand up to shield my face from the sun. I noticed a girl walking towards me and looked away, walking in a different direction, confused as to why she was looking at me. She continued to approach me and eventually called out to me.

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