Planet Alpha

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 Bellamy had just finished explaining that Eligius three had been a colonizing mission, they had found five planets and sent mission teams to each one if they met the necessary conditions for life. Monty had chosen planet Alpha for us because it was the closest and the most like Earth. Shaw had pointed out that we couldn't know for sure since the eligius team wouldn't have known until they got here and obviously, we didn't know if they ever did and if they did, they never radioed back so we wouldn't know their findings. Shaw suggested scanning the atmosphere from the bridge but Jordan informed him that there was too much interference from the ionosphere to do so. Raven suggested using radio signals but there wasn't anything besides a faint rescue beacon that didn't really prove anything. Jordan told everyone that the best estimate for how long ago Eligius went down was about 200 years, meaning the rescue beacon had been up for that long. Everyone had more or less stopped talking, looking defeated and a bit hopeless.

"Basically, we won't know if it's survivable until we're down there," Bellamy concluded.

Everyone looked around unenthusiastically.

"I trust Monty," Echo said, throwing her hands up.

A few people nodded in agreement.

"Great," Bellamy said, "then it's settled. We land at a distance, give us time to acclimate. We wait for them to come to us."

"Let's talk about guns," Clarke stepped in, "if we have them, we'll use them."

"We're taking guns," Bellamy confirmed, "we're also taking non lethals. Now Eligius four had gas grenades and shock batons to control the criminals. We won't shoot first this time."

"In that case," Raven piped up, "Clarke should stay here."

"Raven," Bellamy interrupted her, "you're the one that's staying here."

"What?" Raven scoffed, turning to Bellamy, "like hell I am."

"We can't send down both of our pilots, Raven," I stepped in, "and since we'll be flying blind until we're below the ionosphere, it has to be Shaw."

"That's not all," Bellamy took back control, "Jordan and Jamie, you're staying, too."

"What?" Jordan and I asked at the same time.

"I know it's hard," Clarke explained, "but Monty and Harper asked us to keep you guys safe. We have no idea what's waiting for us down there."

"Which is why you should take your best fighters," I said, still wanting to be included, "Octavia too."

"She's right," Echo supported me.

"Jamie, you are one of our best fighters which is more reason to protect you. We can't take every asset down with us because we're going to need you later too," Bellamy refused,"and my sister is the last person I trust to not shoot first, so she stays on ice with everyone else until we know what we're dealing with."

"And what if it's too late by then?" I asked back.

"Fine," Bellamy sighed, "I'll wake up Miller."

I nodded in approval looking to see Echo doing the same. I hated that I wasn't allowed to go down with them but I knew I wasn't winning this fight and decided not to waste any more time arguing about it.

"Alright then," Bellamy said, "say your good-byes. Head to the transport ship."

"Well," Murphy piped up, "I call shotgun."

With that, everyone got up and headed to get their things together. I went with Echo to help her pack her bag.

"Don't think I'm gonna convince Bellamy to let you come J," Echo said as I leaned over the counter towards her, "he's right, we can't take everyone."

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