The Flame

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 I was only in Gaia's room for a little before the door swung open violently. Out in the hallway there was a mob of people storming to the arena. The crowd was slamming doors open and storming through the bunker yelling. I immediately thought of Clarke and left the room to join the crowd, desperately looking around for her or Bellamy. The crowd surged and my feet barely touched the floor as it moved toward the arena. I was swept up in the chaos. I closed my eyes and did my best to stay on my feet as Wonkru soldiers rallied around me.

When we got to the arena, the crowd finally settled and I found a place to sit down. The crowd still yelled and fought around me. Even if Clarke was here there was no way I would be able to see her and call out for her. Suddenly the crowd quieted down and everyone looked over to the entrance of the arena. I stood up on the bench I had found, peering toward the voice recognizing it as Indra's. I immediately calmed down a bit when I saw Bellamy beside her. I couldn't get to him but knowing he was there comforted me.

"Our beloved Blodreina has fallen ill," Indra addressed the crowd, "these may be her final hours. Listen to me. I trained Octavia as my second, and I love her as I love my own child. I advised her and led her army with pride. It was her desire that if she should ever fall I step forward to lead you. Blodreain wanted what we all want, to live a better life in Shallow Valley, and we will, but not through war, not when there's a better way. For the last six years, we have lost hundreds of our people. We can't afford to lose anymore. I will negotiate for Wonkru to enter the valley peacefully so that no more shall suffer."

Suddenly someone interrupted her. It was Miller.

"You're not in command here, not even over the first battalion. Blodreina gave that honor to me."

A woman from the crowd spoke up, challenging Miller.

"So you expect us to follow you? He's Skaikru."

"There is no skaikru, you know that," Miller countered.

"In the absence of a commander the clan delegates should reassemble and choose the next leader," the woman continued.

"Blasphemy," someone cut in, "Miller's right. There are no more clans, only wonkru and enemies of wonkru."

"That's funny coming from someone who only escaped death in this arena because our real enemies fell from the sky," the woman snapped back.

The two started pushing each other and soon the crown surged back alive as everyone began pushing around and looking for someone to attack. SHouts of anger and pain echoed through the arena as the crowd became chaos. Two gunshots went off and the crowd quieted back down.

"Now I'm not asking you to follow me," Miller regained the crowd's attention, "I'm asking you to follow Octavia. Yesterday she ordered us to march on the valley! So we march for Blodreina!"

The crowd rallied around Miller, starting a "gon Bloreina" chant. I saw through the crowd as Indra spoke to Bellamy, her face serious and stern. After she finished talking, Bellamy looked right at me. I already knew what he was thinking. We needed a commander, and they wanted me to do it. As the crowd became alive once again I lost sight of Bellamy and was pushed out of the arena. Gaia found me through the mess and brought me to the group of novitiates, sending me off with another teacher and away from Bellamy and Indra. The boy who had knocked me down the first day, Ben, was next to me and we shared a look of fear. After I had taken him down that day in the arena we had reached a point of respect for each other. While I had stayed with Gaia and spent more time with the novitiates, I had become closer with him. The teacher herded us quickly into a room and told us to stay there and wait for further instruction before leaving and locking us in.

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