Chapter 3 | Revealed...

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Nothing in this fanfic from images, music, videos are owned by me. All of these things used in this fanfic belong to their respective owners!

Back to the Katsumi and the Slime...

As the heroes rushed towards the alleyway that Katsumi was in which was now on fire. Y/n was walking with Izumi and talking about other subjects but she was still a little bit down because the person that she had admired for such a long time told her that she can't become a hero.

The two continued to walk and Y/n was still talking but then he noticed that there was the smoke that was coming out nearby where the two were. Then a notification popped on Y/n's phone that stated that there was a loose villain and there were multiple heroes on the case.

"Hey, Izumi want to check it out?" Y/n asked her and she replied with a quick nod.


Once Y/n and Izumi were able to get to the alleyway where both of Y/n saw the slime villain once again and both of Izumi and Y/n were shocked and then Y/n noticed the lady that he saw earlier and she had a look of defeat on her face.

'Damn it! Why are none of the heroes doing anything!' Y/n thought to himself and Y/n looked to Izumi who had a look of extreme shock and horror on her face because when Y/n went to see who the victim of the slime creature was... It was Katsumi. 

Y/n kept looking at the scene and the heroes kept making up excuses on how they could not save her either being that they couldn't grab the villain, they were too big to fit in the alleyway, and Y/n just clenched his fist. 

Y/n saw Katsumi looked at the crowd with pleading eyes and all of a sudden Y/n saw Izumi run towards the slime villain without a second thought. Everyone was shocked and all of the nearby heroes yelled at her to stop.

"NO, YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!" The hero known as Death Arms said as Izumi kept running towards the slime villain. "Not this brat again!" the slime villain exclaimed as she sent an attack towards Izumi, but Izumi remembered something in her notebook and threw her backpack at the slime villain's eyes who grunted in pain.

"KACHHAN!" Izumi said trying to claw Katsumi out of the slime villain while Katsumi herself was arguing with Izumi. Y/n saw that the slime villain was going to attack both Izumi and Katsumi and none of the heroes that were near were helping.

"Damn it... here go my chances of a peaceful life..." Y/n said to himself as he then started running towards the slime villain. 

During this time the heroes tried to stop Y/n from going into the scene of the crime by grabbing him because they didn't want more civilians getting into the mess making it harder for them but somehow they missed the entire time.

All of a sudden the slime creature noticed Y/n and sent an attack towards him. But before the tentacle of slime could reach Y/n it froze... 

Everyone including Katsumi and Izumi stood in shock as they saw Y/n grab the slime creature's tentacle and freeze it solid. They had witnessed the first male to have a quirk or quirk.

Y/n continued running towards the slime creature and in a last-ditch effort she decided to throw multiple attacks at Y/n in different directions and Y/n tried his best to deflect most of them but since it's been a bit of a while since Y/n used his quirk he wasn't used to it.

As a few tentacles of slime grabbed onto two of Y/n's limbs, his left arm, and right arm and the slime creature's smirk grew bigger thinking that she had Y/n in her grasp, but Y/n with his hands inside the slime just froze the entire surrounding area.

After the ice melted. The fire was put out, and Kastumi and Izumi were lying on the ground semi unconsciousness and there was a bit of silence as everyone looked at Y/n who was panting a little bit.

After Y/n was done panting for air he decided to take a look around and saw that the fire was put out. Then most of the people around me on both ends of the alleyway just stared at him in awe. "He stopped the fire..." one girl said while looking at Y/n.

 "It's also the first male to developed a quirk..." And that made all of the girls in the crowd agree on that comment.

Then all of the media started rushing towards him and with nowhere to really go Y/n was surrounded by cameras, heroes asking him questions.

Y/n then saw some medical personal go up to Izumi and Katsumi to see if they were all right and they were in good condition but once they got back their consciousness. Some of the media and heroes praised Katsumi for her bravery and started asking her questions like:

"What is your quirk?"

"Hey if your gonna go pro join my Agency ok?"

On the other hand, Y/n saw Izumi was getting yelled at a lot by the heroes and got pissed at this. They were the ones who stood back and did nothing Izumi was the only one who didn't stand back and wait.

As Y/n was walking up to the heroes, but having a little trouble with getting through but managed to make it through, and we're about to tell them a piece of mind his got a call on his phone from... Yuuki

Y/n stood still and pressed the answer button on his phone that said 'accept' and Y/n were greeted with something that sent chills down his spine. "Onii-chan~ I am looking at the T.V and you are on the news saying that your the first male with a quirk... mind explaining~"

Y/n just deeply sighed and knew this was going to be a long talk when he arrived home but responded, "Listen Yukki I don't want to explain this over the phone right now so I will tell you what happened once I get home ok?" On the other side of the phone, Y/n heard her sigh.

"Ok just stay safe getting home though ok?" She said as she ended her side of the call.

After Y/n ended the call people were still trying to get towards him and there was still a huge crowd, but this seemed to be the least of his problems because the real one seemed to be waiting at his home...

To Be Continued...

-T1 Agu Signing Out

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