Chapter 14

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I'm on my way to the meeting place with the bag. We decided to avoid the previous park for now. The one we chose now is closer to our homes but a little further from the guys, so it might work better.

I was still thinking about the orphan. My earlier remarks concerning Fukatsu-san, I think his name was, might have scared Tsukuda even more. They might have been jokes between me and Takumi since we have a similar sense of humour but it might have looked like bullying from Tsukuda's side. Regarding his past, he might have been subject to a whole bunch of teasing, bullying and probably violence. I don't know how long it was since he left that part of his life but it might be better if I cut down on aggressive jokes for now. I should earn his trust first I think. Ah, man. I'm fucking myself over, aren't I?

"Suuchan!" I heard Sakura's voice from behind. "Hello again." she said as I looked at her.

"Why are ya red?" I asked her since that's the first thing I've seen.

"Eh? Ah, well, that's because Suuchan looks really different like that." she said while blushing even more.

"Seriously, it's coz of shit like that that the Chibi glares at me and the Idiot tries to hug me."

"Hehen." she made a mischievous smile. I sighed.

"Let's go. Ya need ta change."

"Yes, let's go. We shouldn't make Yi-chan wait."

Things went smoothly further. There seemed to be something missing when I observed Sakura changing. What could it be?

"Geez, Suuchan, don't stare at me so intensely! My heart's thumping because of you." she said accusingly as I stared at her in the mirror's reflection.

"You have a weird taste, ya know that?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do if you look like an ikemen. Even with makeup. How do you do that?" So that's what it was.

"Ah, right. Sakura, you don't wear makeup, do you?"

"Nope. My family is firmly against it."

"Well, Mimi can wear whatever she wants to, can't she?" Sakura smiled at me childishly as she put the cap on her head.


"We'll teach you later. For now, the training." I said and we left for the meeting. Nika was waiting for us nearby. This time I didn't sleep through and decided to observe them during the lesson. Sakura really seems to catch things quickly. Well, it's not like she has to remember all the rules and take tests for a driving license. She's a criminal now and criminals don't need rules set by the society. Nika is also a surprisingly good teacher. She doesn't fool around too much when she's teaching. Well, I'll at least try to be positive. She's doing good with the driving part but I can't know how she'll be with the electronics. There's a beginner's bundle for Sakura, as Nika called it, lying on the seat next to me. I think there's some books and other stuff? I'm not sure, it's packed in a bag. I guess this month will be exhausting for Sakura. I just hope she keeps that youthful, cheerful attitude till the end.

"Hmm? Me name her?" asked Nika since we were finishing and stopped near the park.

"Yes. Since she'll be taking your place I thought it would be just." I replied looking at Sakura stretching outside the car.

"You mean like the superheroes and stuff?"

"We're on the complete other side, though." Each and every one of these people seem to think it's a game. "And it's not like we're gonna announce it to everyone, y'know. It's just between us. And I think she would be happy with it too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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