Chapter 2

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"So, you're saying that there's a special team created just to catch me?"

I said while waving a mackerel in front of Kazue's face.

"Yeah and I heard they're pretty good," she responded while avoiding the fish. I'm fucked. I slammed the fish on the table and took the knife. " Anyway, what was up with that friend stuff?" she asked as if there's nothing better to talk about right now.

"Uhhh, it's hard to describe. Some people were surprisingly friendly."

"Aww, that means they don't care about appearance. How nice of them~."

"I think it was because of my appearance, though," I said under my breath. "Anyway, how did you find out about this 'special team'?" I asked. A little ray of light fell on my mind. "Is it the guy that was hitting on you in the morning?"

"H-he wasn't hitting on me." she blurted, with an instant blush. Like a teenager.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"That's not what we were talking about." she pouted.

"Seriously?" she looked at me, irritated. "Never?"

"I was busy studying," she said and opened the plan of the museum. How old is she again? Well, I'm not the one to talk.

"Nevermind. What about him?"

"Hmm, well, there is something." She hesitated.


"Haha, well, you won't believe the coincidence. He's a brother of one of our students and seems to be the team's supervisor." I'm fucked. I stopped filleting and looked at her.

"What are you going to do?" she asked while looking back at me.

"I have no idea. Well, for now I'll just hope they're not much better."

"I meant the dinner," she explained pointing her finger at the fish - or at least, what was left of it. I looked at it for a while.

"You feel like having fish and red pepper sauce with pasta?"

"'Yay, pasta!" she said enthusiastically, but I guess she'll eat anything as long as it's not a take-out. I'm sometimes curious how she managed to live without me.

Spaghetti ended up quite good.


I'm sitting in a van, looking at the passing world outside. Trying not to think about this new problem. Unfortunately, the window reflection shows unsettling in my green eyes, and my thick eyebrows are frowning. Pale skin, touched up with foundation to appear more caucasian seems to be even paler today. I opened the window a tad; tried to catch some fresh air. I felt the breeze gust through my short, honey hair. Short enough to easily hide them under a wig, and not to annoy me during work. I closed back the window. Didn't want to catch a cold.

"Ya look like on our first one." I heard Nika say with a big cimson smile showing behind me in the reflection. This must be a blast to her.

"You too." I answered. She's an adrenaline freak. Well, she even looks like one. Bleached hair with two low ponytails, kiss-style makeup and leather. Lots of leather. I think this getup is from her previous job. I saw her tighten hands on the steering wheel. "Just don't overdo anything and stick to the plan, 'kay?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah, yeah. Ah gettit." She probably won't. "But yar not the only one with big news, honey." I heard her say.


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