Chapter 8

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The bell rang and the teacher ended her lesson. I guess it's the time. I took out the bento with no enthusiasm. I feel nauseous just looking at this thing. I checked the group I'll be spending lunch with today. They all more or less have taken out their lunches by now. I looked at Takumi. He smiled.

"Should we go?" he asked. I guess I'll have to use my secret weapon to change the subject.

"Yes." I nodded and stood up. Somehow, all this time I could feel Watanabe's angry glare on my back. She must be really dissatisfied with how things are going. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it. We left the classroom and I moved down the hallway. Takumi appeared on my right as he did before.

"So, changed your mind after all, Sacchan?" he asked.

"What about?"

"Eating with us, I mean?"

"Well, I'll spend the lunch with you but I don't really have appetite today."

"Eh? That's no good! You can't skip meals. Are you on a diet?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Then, a distaste after the letter?"

"What letter?" suddenly asked Watanabe from my left. She was angry.

"Nevermind. Seriously, so nosy." I muttered under my breath. "Come on, let's go." I told Watanabe when we reached narrow stairs. I was thinking mostly of my offender and forgot I was supposed to help Watanabe with her problems. Yet, I was leaving her behind all the time. Gotta leave that prick for later. That's unlike me, being all depressed. I think that along with this cosplay I've received some traits without knowing.

Watanabe followed me down the stairs.. She seemed to remember the route further. That's some good memory; it's quite tricky to get the first time. I had to walk around for some time and got lost here when I checked the school surroundings the first time.

"I-is she angry?" asked Matsumoto as we followed her and neared the bench. He looked at me and got scared. Wait, was that what he's called?

"She probably is."

"Isn't it because you called her nosy?" asked Takumi.

"That was directed at you."

"Eeh~? Me?"

"We're here."

"Hey, it's really quite peaceful."

"Isn't it always?" asked glasses and sat on the bench.

"You're an asshole, y'know that?" said Takumi. I saw Matsushita sit down next to him. I'll play along with Takumi's little plan, I think. I came up to the sulking angel, still standing in front of the benches.

"C'mon let's sit down." I told her as I lightly put my hand on her back to encourage her. She got a little startled but nodded in a few seconds and sat down next to Fuu-chan. I sat next to her and left to me sat Takumi. Everyone began taking out their boxes. Of course I wasn't, because I know I'll probably get rid of it later from the stress. Watanabe was hesitant. "What's wrong?" I whispered to her.

"Ah, n-no, it's nothing." for some reason she was embarrassed. Scared to show her bento, maybe? I don't know why, it looked good yesterday and I don't think they'll act like she did and taste it. Well, whatever.

"Want mine?" I asked and held up the box.

"Eh, what is it, what is it?" asked the meddlesome detective.

"Cut us some slack, would you? She's shy enough as it is, you don't have to be so nosy." I lashed at him. I can't say I didn't enjoy her full range of expressions, but even I think that's enough teasing for today.

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