Chapter 11

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I woke up today feeling somewhat free. Somewhat peaceful. Yay for no headache. I decided to take out the stick I had up my ass for some time and take it easy. At least I'll try to. I might've been too stressed. And I might've been too paranoid.

I was already waiting for Sakura at the park. I might've felt better than lately when I woke up but I'm still nowhere near as I should be. This is all too stressful. A new partner is the one I'm stressing about now. How will she act in school? Won't she feel guilt when talking to them? Won't she act suspicious? Nervous? And one thing I'm most concerned about: what about Matsushita? The silly boy that makes her look like a heroine in a romcom? It's obvious she likes him. How can she just accept it like that, after she heard that he's working with the police? I have given up on love. I don't want her to do the same.

"Hello, my idol!~" I heard Sakura shout and hug me from behind.

"Well, hello there, my partner. Ready for some morning training?"


"Okay, then let's start."

I decided to go the full route today. It might take longer, but oh well. She was obviously still lacking physically but that's not something that can't be changed. We'll manage somehow, I think. I left Sakura looking just as red as she was the day before when we jogged. I hope she won't get much nagging from her family again. When I came back home, Kazue was up already. That's unusual.

"Sacchan~~." she whined. She came up and hugged me. There's been a lot of hugging lately.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. We just don't get to see each other too much so I missed you~~."

"Well, nothing we can do about it. We have things to do." I said and left the hug.

"Wait, Sacchan. Tell me at least, how was she? Good enough?"

"Yes. Nika praised her."

"I don't know Nika. I'd rather hear your opinion."

"She's really clever. Catches on quickly. Her physical performance isn't the greatest, but I'm gonna work on it. And she's quite determined so she probably won't cause trouble. Ah, I didn't tell her that you're in it so be careful around her."

"Ehh? Why not?"

"What if she's with them? I don't want you going to jail."

"Eh?~~ Not possible, not possible. I've got some intel on them. I know who is in this little team of theirs. Nothing to worry about, really."

"Still, we can't be sure-"

"Sacchan." she said and squished my cheeks. "Don't be a maniac. I know what I'm doing. I didn't get caught this whole time, I won't get caught now. Remember  - I am the mastermind. And I sure won't let you get caught either." she backed off a little. "You stink."

"You didn't let me shower."

"Oh, sorries. You can go now. Tell me more when you get out."


I was hesitant. If I could I would stay under the shower as much as I could, so she'll lose interest. But if I take longer than usual, she'll become suspicious. She's sharp when it's unneeded. I can't do that. I tried to prepare myself mentally. Tried to be determined. Don't know if I'll be able to do as I want.

"Oh, you're out."


"So, Sadako. My dear sister." she said as if she was used to those words. I went into the kitchen and started to prepare our lunches. "Sayaka." she said again to bring my attention. "Don't run." I looked at her. "I think we need to talk." I opened my mouth. "It's gonna take five minutes so don't tell me you have to prepare my lunch." she took on a more harsh tone of voice. She does that sometimes. "Now, sit." told me a cold-blooded lady with connections to the underworld. I sat quietly and got ready for the lecture. "Stop biting your lip. I didn't even start." I stopped. "Now, tell me. How was Watanabe's yesterday performance?"

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