Chapter 5

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I didn't really have to charge, though because as we entered the smarter ones have fled. But not all - three were left and one fucking bleached ass was sitting on my desk. And she doesn't seem to think about budging. I moved forward to my desk. No reaction. On the other hand, there was quite a reaction on Whiteteeth's face. He seemed thankful that we're finally back. I stopeed right before my desk and the gyaru leaning on it.

"Excuse me." I said loud and clear.

"What? Can't you see we're talking?" growled the girl. Her hair was flowing a little, seems like there's a draft. I looked at her for a second. Confidence was beaming form her eyes as she looked straight into mine. I opened my mouth once more without breaking eye contact.

"You're sitting on my desk." I said, but a falling flowerpot seemed to want to interrupt me. Everyone turned back to look at the broken pot lying on the floor at the end of the room. That's what you get for opening the windows like that. The girl looked back at me this time with wide eyes and no bravery whatsoever.

"S-sorry, we were done talking anyway." Wait, what? The girl scurried off with her friends quickly. No, wait. That's not... . Do they think it was me? I looked at Watanabe for an explanation - she seemed happy with the outcome and simply sat at her desk. Was that all it took to get rid of them? The teacher came in and I sat down. I looked at Whiteteeth since I realized he was staring at me intensely the whole time. He smiled widely again and put his palms together. "Sankyu?" I didn't try to help you, you twat. I just turned at the blackboard and tried not to think about it.

Soon after the lesson started and the teacher sent someone to clean the mess from the flowerpot, I saw Sakura scribbling something on a piece of paper. At the same time I saw the little guy gazing at her, but I decided to ignore this part of the reflection. Watanabe has seen me and used the moment to pass me a note on the windowsill.

"That was amazing! How did you do that?" was written on the little piece of paper.

"Just a bit of luck, nothing more." I wrote and sent back when the teacher wasn't looking.

"Lol, that was fun either way. Hasegawa-san seemed thankful."

"Looks like it. How do you withstand it, anyway?"

"Withstand what?" she asked.

"That gaze from your right, of course."

I sent her a note and waited for a reaction. She read it and immediately looked to the mentioned side. Fuu-chan changed his gaze right away, but got so startled that he threw off his pencil case. He was all red already.


"Don't make a ruckus." said the teacher and continued the lecture. Hasegawa helped Matsushita pick up what was on the floor. Poor little guy was all red. Damn, this is fun. Our devilish angel is blushing also. Ah, youth. Lol, he's obviously averting her gaze. Aah, enough. I should be focusing on the lesson and not enjoy other people's love lives.

I tried to focus the rest of the lesson, but it was quite hard. Too many things to think about. How could I find someone for the job? Where to look for one? What do I do if I don't find one? What to do about the three wannabe policemen in my class? And - most importantly - how to make one stop smiling at me so annoyingly? I think I started panicking somewhere in the middle of the class. I shouldn't do that.

"Heeey, Sacchan~." I heard from behind and turned back to see what did she stop my self-deprecating for. Instead, I saw little Fuu-chan make a beautiful orange fountain at Whiteteeth. I may be wrong, but I think that's partially my fault.

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