Part 6

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Marinette POV
I was already 20 minutes late so I transformed into the cat and ran my way to school, when I got there I de-transformed into an alley way near the school and ran there and when I reached class I heard Miss Bustier talking about something I have already learned so I entered the class and looked for a reason why I was late but I was cut off by Miss Bustier.
Miss Bustier: "Don't worry Marinette, Kagami and Luka told me about your situation."
When Kagami and Luka heard about my situation they moved schools to protect me however Kagami is always on competitions and Luka has to go with Kagami everywhere because of Kagami's mom's rule that Luka should never leave Kagami's side, since Luka and Kagami are now a couple. I looked over at Kagami and Luka's seats that are always empty to see both of them there, they both gave me a smile and I smiled at them and went to my seat which is in the back of my class.
Third Person POV
Alya was about to stick her foot out to trip Marinette on her way to the back only to have Alya's foot stomped on.
Felix POV
Miss Bustier was teaching us about something that I have already learned from London but she was cut off by Marinette who was late as I saw her finger and she has the same ring as the ring Adrien wore yesterday, As when she finally reached her seat I asked her.
Felix: "Where did you get that ring from?"
Marinette: "Oh this? I saw how cool and beautiful it was and I decided to buy it."
Felix: " Where did you buy it?"
Marinette: "Is there a reason you wanted to ask?"
Felix: "Yeah, it just looks so beautiful."
Marinette: "Well from a friend of mine, he got it from 'Clint's Jewelry'. You can also tell them to make you one and it isn't that expensive if you pick silver or copper."
I was about to say something only to be cut off by Miss Bustier
Miss Bustier: "I see that both of you are talking in class, if you guys don't want to listen to me then you guys should teach the class. "
Marinette: " Sure thing Miss Bustier, and you should really rest I know that you didn't even get to sleep because of checking our test papers."
Miss Bustier: "I was joking, but how did you know?"
Marinette: "Its a secret Miss, but it is really bad if you dont get any sleep at all, so me and Felix decided to do your work while you rest."
Felix: "Wait what? Why am I joining?"
Marinette: "Since only you and me already know about what Miss Bustier is talking about only we could teach the class, you should check the test papers while I teach them. "
Alya: "Okay Marinette you can stop the lies now, we all know you paid Miss Bustier to act for you."
Marinette: "Im just doing Miss Bustier a favor now shut up and listen closely because questions are for when class ends. "
Miss Bustier: "Thank you Marinette... "
Marinette: "Dont worry Miss."
As Miss Bustier went to sleep in her table while I took the test papers and checking them while Marinette teaches the class.
Recess/End of class
After Marinette answered each and everyone's questions everyone went on to eat while Marinette introduced Kagami and Luka to Felix and are currently eating while talking.
Start Of another class to Last class/Miss Bustier class
Well nothing new just Marinette acting like she was listening and Felix staring at Marinette till the end of the last class. And Lila lying about anything famous or popular.
Last class/Miss Bustier class
Everyone is now at class.
Miss Bustier: "Okay class, since I was not given the chance to tell you at out first lesson. I will tell you guys now. "
As everyone turned their attention to Miss Bustier.
Miss Bustier: "Okay so someone here won the class, a trip to Gotham for 3 months. So will that person raise their hands? "
Marinette was about to raise her hand because of how lucky Marinette is at lottery's but Liela had to lie.
Liela: "Oh it must be my 'Damiboo' that won us our tickets!"
Marinette wanted to hear about what Liela has came up with and decided to listen and took a sip of her water.
Alya: "Who is 'Damiboo'?"
Liela: "Oh hes Damian Wayne."
As Marinette heard the 'Wayne' and spit out the water that she was drinking.
Alya: "Marinette!"
Marinette is already laughing because she knows how her uncle is very detective and could easily spot her lies.
Marinette: "Sorry, go on Lila."
Lila: "Damian Wayne, my boyfriend and Oh!"
Alya: "What is it Lila?"
As Lila would use her crocodile tears
Rose: "OMG, Lila! What happend?"
Lila: "Its just that Damiboo said that I shouldn't reveal his name to you guys"
Mylene: "Dont worry Lila, we wont tell him."
Lila: "But what if Marinette tells him?"
Said Lila with crocodile tears as the class except Kagami, Luka and Felix glared at Marinette who was laughing unstoppable. As Kagami slapped Marinette.
Marinette: "Aha ha aha, sorry. Aww dont worry Lie-la I wont tell your 'Damiboo'."
Said Marinette before she started laughing like a maniac, before Kagami slapped Marinette again.
Liela: "Really Marinette, you mean it?"
Marinette: "Yeah, I mean I dont have time to talk to 'Damiboo'."
Miss Bustier: "Okay, so we have a week to pack our things and meet here again next wednesday and enter the bus with the same number as what I will give to you.
As Marinette, Kagami, Luka and Felix all got the same numbers meaning that they are in the same bus.
Felix POV
Me and Marinette got the same number meaning that both of us are in the same bus. i dont know why but it somehow made me happy as Miss Bustier went on to teach the class and the day ended me and Marinette was talking on how I told my uncle about her designs and how uncle would love to make her an intern and how I'm gonna be modeling her designs until my idiot cousin decided to interfere.
Adrien: "Hey!! Marinette!"
As Adrien caught up to both of us
Marinette: "Hello Adrien, what made you come here and talk to me?"
Adrien: "I just want to ask, where did you get that ring?"
Said Adrien pointing at Marinette's ring as Marinette gave Adrien the same excuse that Marinette gave me, as Adrien went to his bodyguard's car while me and Marinette went and talked while walking to uncle's house. And when we arrived there uncle was acting weird.
Gabriel POV
Felix and Marinette came here late as when they arrived I saw how empty this Marinette is, she doesn't have any emotion and saw how she didn't even care if she died or got hurt and she's just empty, nothing at all. And what's worse is that she is hiding it, I know I told Lila to make this girl's life miserable just so that I could akumatize her. But some how this Marinette is always happy, now I know why I cant akumatize her. Its because she cant even feel any negative or bad emotions because she doesn't even have any. As we had talked on how she will help me make designs she didn't even show any emotions, well she did act like she was happy and all but deep inside, she didn't even care at all. Just how far did Lila push this girl.
Gabriel: "So you're MDC Designs"
Marinette: "What do you mean?!"
Gabriel: "M-Marinette, D-Dupain, C-Cheng and every infomation of MDC is the same with you, height, weight, eye color, hair color and birthdate."
Marinette: "Yeah, and you're hawkmoth."
I was shocked, how did she know.
Gabriel: "What are you talking about?"
Marinette: "Only the true holder of the butterfly miraculous can read emotions and I saw how you saw through me. I just have a question."
Gabriel: "What is it?"
Marinette: "Why do you want both Cat Noir and Ladybug's miraculous'? "
I was about to say something but I was cut off by this girl.
Marinette: "Its obvious to make a wish, but when you wish for a life. Someone precious to you will die for the life of someone you want to wish for, a life for a life and a soul for a soul.
I was shocked how does she know? She must be bluffing because, how would she know about this.
Gabriel: "How would you know, did you do the same?"
Marinette: "No, but a legend is passed down to every guardian, which is that we shouldn't wish for anything because once a upon a time, there was a guardian who wished for power and what he got is power but everyone close to him and all his lived ones died and he got cursed to be like that where he is immortal but everyone he talks to or has feelings with or any friends of his died because of the curse. And so the only way he could fix it, is by making his own miraculous and become a kwami and since then his miraculous was missing and legend has it, the person who wears his miraculous will be cursed until the true guardian will come back and find him and destroy the curse.
Gabriel: "How will I know that you're not lying?"
As Marinette told me about all the guardians and miraculous holders who didn't listen and still wished some are immortal and some decided to kill themselves to break the curse that was put in them and because of their wishes the world have become unbalanced and only one true miraculous guardian fixed it and made the world balance again and died in the process.
Marinette: "Some say that the soul of the true miraculous guardian is watching over this world and will come back to save the world again."
Gabriel: "So, you're the guardian of the miraculous'. "
Marinette: "How did you know.."
Gabriel: "You said that the legends are only passed down to Miraculous Guardians."

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