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Okay today I will spoil some information that will be known later on, on the chapters. Aswell as the people who believe Marinette and sided with her, Marinette's secret identities, friends and more.










Marinette Team:
And Gotham
Marinette Team Explaination:
Nino, but Nino is forced to believe Lila because of his girlfriend:Alya
Alix, Alix found out that Lila was lying and confronted her only to be threatened by Lila to stay quiet or Lila will take all her friends. So Alix decided to side with Marinette and switched schools because Lila did what she said and put everyone except Marinette against her, so Alix and Marinette still talk to each other and are still friends.
Kim, Kim was Marinette's childhood bestfriend so he sided with Marinette and because of this Chloe and Kim started dating and Lila turned everyone against Kim so Kim decided to go with Chloe to New york since Chloe decided to live with her mother for awhile.
Chloe, Chloe knew that Lila was lying from the start and when she saw Lila take away Marinette's friends away from her, she decided to become friends with Marinette and because of this a sisterly bond was made and Chloe got to know Kim better and they figured that they should make it official and when Chloe's mother came back to Paris to visit again, Marinette formed a bond with her mother like Marinette was her mother's daughter. Chloe decided to go to New york with her mother, Sabrina and Kim since Marinette wanted to stay in Paris for awhile, it made her feel bad that she was leaving her best friend to handle the liar alone.
Sabrina, Sabrina found out about Lila's lies and went back to Chloe and Marinette making them have a sisterly bond and when Lila found out that Sabrina knows about her lies, Lila confronted Sabrina and threatened her that she will make a lie to fire her father if Sabrina didn't leave Paris and never came back, so Sabrina told her father and told him to not do anything because Lila is so manipulative and that she didn't want her father to lose his job, so Sabrina ended up leaving Paris with Chloe, Kim and Chloe's mother but she also told Marinette about why she was leaving.
Luka, Luka trusts Marinette very dearly so when Luka's sister invited Lila to their ship, he confronted Lila about her lies and Lila threatened him that she will make his mother kick him out of their house, Luka fought back saying that his mogher wont fall for her lies but he was proven wrong and got kicked out. So Luka went to Marinette for help and he met Kagami, they spent the day together and Kagami decided to let Luka live with them for awhile and Kagami's mother approved of Luka seeing how Luka is smart, nice, and how he has potential to be a fencer and not to mention, Kagami's mother loved Luka when Luka made a song for her, Kagami and Luka started hanging out more and soon became a couple and Kagami's mother approved of it.
Kagami, Kagami trusted Marinette because of how Marinette valued their friendship and how Marinette easily gave Adrien to her just to keep their friendship, Kagami also made a sisterly bond with Marinette and when she heard how Adrien picked the liar instead of Marinette, Kagami was angry at how Adrien trusted the new girl instead of his 'friend' that he knew for almost two years and Marinette was also the reason she and Luka were now a couple. Marinette is also the reason Kagami's mother wasn't so strict anymore because when Kagami introduced Marinette to her mother, Marinette earned her mother's trust and made her mother know that the world was not as dangerous as her mother thought.
Felix, well we know why Felix chose to trust Marinette with his life, its because of this 'Unknown Feeling' that made him trust a girl he had just met. And no Adrien doesn't have this 'feeling' that made him trust Lie-la its because of Lila's lies that made Adrien trust her.
Marcus, well because he knew Marinette since they were in diapers and believed her and trusted her with his life practically.
And Gotham, Because why not? Okay so Marinette's mom/Sabine is the step-sister of Bruce/Batman just go with it, so ever since Marinette was five she always visited Gotham every month to spend time and Marinette got the name 'Princess Sunshine' because of how nice and forgiving she was and also because she always made everyone's day but that all changed when Marinette was 7 it was the day that the Dupain-Chengs were gonna visit Gotham but Sabine told Marinette that Gotham is even more dangerous than before and that they couldn't visit anymore. And let's just say that Gotham missed their 'Princess Sunshine' and wished that she would one day come back and visit every month like always.
More Information:
Master Fu is allot older in here, He gave the ladybug miraculous to Marinette when she was 14 and soon made Marinette the guardian of the miraculous' at the age of 15 because he was about to die. Marinette is now 16 and Lila joined when she was 15 and got famous at 15 aswell. Hawkmoth/Gabriel/Adrien's Father is now slowly getting over his wife's death and slowly accepting it, Because of Gabriel being the true holder of the Butterfly miraculous he can understand someone's emotions and can easily find a way to make them happy/angry/sad and more. And because Marinette is the true holder and guardian of every miraculous, she can understand emotions like Gabriel and can easily formulate a plan and can easily master anything, she can also easily find out if someone is lying or if someone is dead. She can also sense emotions and what is causing them to have it, she can also sense someone's luck and is very creative, she is also very strong and can easily throw you 5 meters away, she is slow to anger and is very adaptive and can easily forget any bad thing that she wanted gone from her memory but she can remember anything that she wanted to stay in her memory like:what she had learned in school, homework, and other things. Marinette can also run fast and does not easily get hurt, like when she just got a cut in her leg or hand, it would just disappear in a few minutes and fully heal you. (I know this is so op but I don't care, I want it like this)
Marinette Secret Identities:
MDC-a famous fashion designer
Princess J/Princess Justice-song writer and book writer
Masked Nette-Hacker and someone who makes games for kids
Ladybug-Paris hero
Noire Punaise/Black Bug(Ladybug and Chat Noir)-Ladybug and Chat Noir fill in
Masked Nette is a friendly hacker who hacks people who try and make bad games that can create a virus and can destroy your phone.
Marinette Friends:
The ones that I told you and some more that I want to be a surprise.

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