Part 2

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Marinette would see Felix blush but think of it as nothing but him having a fever, so Marinette would walk closer to Felix. The closer she gets, the redder Felix's face goes as Marinette would put her hand on Felix's forehead.
"W-what do you think you're doing?!" Felix shouted
"Just checkin if you have a fever" Marinette replies
"What makes you think I have a fever?!" Felix shouted
" Hmm, your face looks like a tomato." Marinette replies
"Are you saying that I'm as red as a tomato!" Felix shouted " Forget it just show me around..." Felix said.
As Marinette would now show Felix around the school not missing anything as class would almost start.
"Welp, that's all" Said Marinette
"Wait, I must ask something first" Said Felix
"What is it?" Asks Marinette
"What time does class starts exactly?" Felix asks
"Well, it's actually about to start now" Marinette replies as the bell would ring "I assume you know your class already?" Marinette asks as Felix would nod and would walk away
" That was rude, walking away without saying anything. " Marinette thought
" Psst, Marinette class is about to start." Whispers Tikki from Marinette's purse
" Oh right." As Marinette would run to her class "Who was the new guy? Why did he look familiar? Did I see him before?" Marinette thought as she would enter the class to see Felix.
" Seems like that girl is not in my class, but my idiot cousin is.." thought Felix as a girl with dark blue hair would enter the class. " Never mind..." Felix thought. As Marinette would make her way to the back of the class as she would sit there.
"Okay class, this is Felix he has just transferred here from London. Please introduce yourself." Miss Bustier said while looking at Felix.
" My name is Felix Graham De Vanily, that is all that I will mention about my self" Felix says in a boring tone.
" Okay Felix please pick a seat as we will start our lesson. " Miss Bustier says.
" Heyy Bestie over here!" Shouts Lila only to be ignored by Felix as Felix would walk to the back and sit next to Marinette.
"Why did your best friend choose to sit to the Liar?" Asks Alya
"Oh umm, we had a fight last night so maybe he's still not over that." Lila says in an innocent tone but inside she is just angry.
" Oh alright." Said Alya as the class would start with Felix staring at Marinette the whole lesson and when Marinette would look at him, he would just look at the front again. As the bell would ring signaling that its recess as Marinette would be packing her items back in her bag.
"Hey, I never got to ask your name before." Felix says
"Oh how rude of me, my name is Marinette Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Marinette says with a smile on her face.
"I noticed your design, and I just want to say that they look great." Felix says
"That's very nice, thank you for the compliment." Marinette says with the smile still on her face as she would finish packing all her stuff and leave.
"To be honest, they look a lot like the famous unknown designer MDC's designs" Felix thought as he would take out a lunch box that he had made for himself.
We would see Marinette on the stairs looking for her lunch that her mother had baked earlier for her. "Where did I put it?!" Marinette thought as she would remember that she had left it on the bakery as she can't go there now because her Mother and Father are having there anniversary and she also left her piggy bank in her room that has all her savings and money aswell as the money her uncle Jagged Stone gave her for her birthday, as Marinette have to go out without lunch or recess.
"Marinette, here you go." Tikki whispers as Tikki would be holding a cookie.
" Tikki, you know that's for you" Said Marinette "I just have to go without recess or luncn." Said Marinette as she would sigh and go back to class to see Lila and Felix talking.
"You should stay away from Marinette, she is a bad influence." Lila says
" And who are you to tell me?" Felix says
"Marinette is a bully, I'm just concerned for you..." Lila says
" I don't care, now go away so I can eat my lunch in peace." Felix says while glaring at Lila making her scared, as Marinette would enter the room as Lila would just leave.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" Felix asks Marinette
"Heh, I already ate so you don't have to worry about me..." Marinette replies as her stomach would growl
"Well your stomach says otherwise, here I can share my lunch If you would like" Felix says "What even is happening to me?" Felix thought.
" That's very nice of you Felix" Said Marinette
As Felix and Marinette would finish Felix's lunch and would talk to each other, as recess would end and the students would enter the room to see Marinette and Felix laughing and talking. As Adrien was surprised as he never saw his cousin smile or even laugh.
"Trying to make Adrien jealous I see?" Alya says
"Okay class please sit down on your seats" Miss Bustier says as Lila would raise her hand "Yes Lila?" Miss Bustier says
"Miss... Marinette has a hearing problem so it might be better if we switch seats so that she could hear you better. " Lila says
" No, I do not have a hearing problem!" Marinette shouts
"Shut it bully, Lila is being nice and this is how you treat her? " Alya says
" I just said that I have no hearing problem... " Marinette says
" Oh please, Lila said that you told her this during recess and she is concerned for you. So you dont have to lie about it just because you want to sit with the new guy." Alya says
"When the bell rang Marinette went outside and Lila stayed to talk to me and soon after Marinette went back while Lila walked away, and Marinette has been with me meaning they didn't talk making this Lila girl a liar" Felix thought as he would raise his hand
"Yes Felix?" Miss Bustier asks
"Marinette has been with me all recess and she and Lila hadn't talked at all" Felix said as everyone would look at Lila
" Oh I'm very sorry, its just this lying disease that I have that makes me say these things" Lila said
" There's no such thing as a 'Lying disease'. Yep defenitely a liar" Felix thought
As the day would end with Felix ofcourse not paying attention to what Miss Bustier or any teacher at all just staring at Marinette and when Lunch went by Marinette and Felix shared Felix's lunch and just talked and yeah. We would see Felix and Marinette walking down the stairs infront of the school.
"Yeah, maybe my uncle would interested in your designs and maybe I could model them for you" Felix said
"Thank you Felix but my designs are nothing compared to your uncle's but it would be nice if you could model my newest outfit" Marinette said as a limo would park infront of the school.
" Oh my god that is your everyday ride Lila?!" One of the girls would scream.
"Yes, I figured that I should tell you guys" Lila says
"Another Lie" Felix thought as he would wave goodbye to Marinette and would go to Adrien's car.
"Hey Felix-" Adrien says before getting cut off
"What do you want" Felix says
"He wasn't like this at class, was he just faking his laugh before?" Adrien thought "Nothing let's go home" Adrien said to his bodyguard as they drove home.
As a limo would park infront of the school, as Marinette would enter the limo as it would drive off. Making the girls confused and Lila angry.


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