Chapter 20 - Confessions

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The Friday evening after Kara yelled at Lena and basically told her she was done with the debate team, done with her, and just done with everything in general, Kara is not in a good way. Kara has just spent the last several hours in her room. She's yelled out in anger, while at the same time she has crawled up in a ball and just cried and cried. She's so angry and so hurt all at the same time. She feels such overwhelming anger towards Lena, but then at the same time Kara feels so much love to Lena, she can't help it. These two feelings are horribly conflicting inside of her, and Kara doesn't know how to deal with them. In fact Kara thinks there just must be something wrong with her, that even after everything Lena has done, how Lena has basically ruined her life and career, she is still in love with her. Kara thinks she really must be pathetic as she still loves Lena, which makes Kara even more angry, and cry a lot more.

Around 8PM on Friday evening James and Winn finally get enough courage to knock on Kara's door. For the last few hours the two boys have heard the crying and screaming of rage coming from Kara's room. They of course know that something has been up with Kara for around a week now. However up until this point they have tried to give Kara space. When they did confront Kara after they watched the movie the other day she just shut them down. Clearly she didn't want to talk about it. However, now it is getting to the point where both of the boys know that Kara may not want to talk about it, but she should anyway. They both know that she must be miserable about something, and therefore she may need a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to get some stuff off of her chest. Both Winn and James are more than happy to allow Kara to vent whatever she is feeling at them. They just want to try and make Kara feel better.

"Kara?" Winn calls out uncertainly after knocking on the door. "It's me and James. Can we come in?"

There is silence from inside Kara's room. Upon hearing Winn's voice and him knocking at the door Kara gets a deer in headlights look. She knows full well that she may have just reached the point where she is forced by Winn and James to talk to them. At this moment Kara would much rather just sulk in her own misery, even if she knows that's probably not the best thing to do. She just doesn't want to talk to anyone, much like most people when they are upset. No one wants to have people sit there and pity them as they watch you cry.

"Go away!" Kara replies after a few moments.

"Kara." James now begins, "We are both worried about you. You've not been yourself for over a week now. You've been crying, you've been angry, and you have just been acting off in general. We just want to help Kara. Talk to us."

There is silence from the room once more.

"Kara you don't even have to talk to us about what's going on. You can just talk to us about anything, maybe it'll just help get your mind off things. Or maybe we can just talk to you about our days, just so we can be there for you. Let us help you Kara, please." Winn says.

Kara is silent again for a few seconds. She has so many overwhelming feelings and she just doesn't know how to deal with any of them. She thinks that maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have someone to talk to. Someone who isn't Alex. It's not because Kara doesn't want to talk to Alex about everything. It's because Kara knows if she tells Alex then Alex will probably either tell Sam and then the two will yell at Lena, or Alex will go straight to yelling at Lena. Kara doesn't want that. Kara doesn't want things to be made worse for her than they already are, and Alex would probably just do that, even if she has the best intentions.

"You can..... come in....." Kara finally answers.

Winn opens Kara's bedroom door and enters the room, followed by James. Both of the boys spot Kara sitting on her bed, looking absolutely horrible. Kara's face is red from the amount of tears that she has been crying, with her eyes incredibly bloodshot. Then her hair is so dishevelled, clearly from where Kara has just been curling up into a ball, and thereby messing it up to look like a bit of a nest. Winn and James both approach Kara on the bed, she looks at them both with such an innocent look. She just stares at the two for a second who just stand still to see what Kara is going to do. Kara however just breaks down and begins crying again. In response to this Winn and James are quick to rush over to Kara and sit on either side of her and both take her in for a hug.

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