Chapter 13 - Therapy

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A few days have passed since Kara left Lena and Sam's, after having spent the night in Lena's bed with Lena and Ruby. Kara has kept herself busy over the last few days doing university work and working on some journalism articles for the university 'paper'. She's still pretty sexually frustrated, due to the fact that she and Lena were interrupted literally right before they were about to have sex. But none the less Kara just perseveres.

Lena on the other hand has spent the last few days with Ruby and Sam. The trio have just been spending a lot of time together, making up for the 3ish months of time they were apart at the end of the previous year. Ruby particularly is even more attached to Lena than she was when they previously lived together. On a few occasions Ruby wakes up in the morning and instead of running into her mom's room she runs into Lena's, waking her up and being relieved that aunt Lena is still with them.

Kara and Lena of course have not been able to find time to have sex, which has honesty left them both frustrated. Lena more so than Kara simply because she has even been unable to find time to be alone to take care of herself, with Ruby constantly wanting to be near aunt Lena. Lena doesn't really want to risk Ruby coming running into her en-suite bathroom as she's taking care of herself. Sam and Lena have both told Ruby that she's needs to knock on both their bedroom door's, and shouldn't ever come into a bathroom with a shut door, but Ruby doesn't seem to listen, no matter the amount of times she's been told.

Over the last few days one of the big discussions between Lena and Sam is Alex. Lena has offered to get Alex's number from Kara but Sam has been back and fourth as to whether she wants Lena to do it. On the one hand Sam really likes Alex, both in terms of the fact that she finds her incredibly attractive, and on the fact that she thinks she has a great personality and they really could connect. But on the other hand Sam is nervous that if she has Lena get Alex's number from Kara that, that may seem a bit desperate, while also perhaps Alex doesn't want to see her again, maybe it was just a one night stand for Alex. Lena of course has tried to reassure Sam and encourage her to allow her to get Alex's number from Kara, but Lena knows that ultimately nothing she can say will be able to push Sam in one direction or the other. Sam is a stubborn woman and while she takes into account other people's advice, she ultimately makes her decisions by herself. Although another concern that Sam has which she hasn't told Lena is the fact that Alex is Kara's sister. Sam doesn't want that to kind of complicate things between Kara and Lena. Sam as usual, always thinking of other people before herself.

Currently it is Monday morning. Today Kara has a heavy journalism focused day. It's one of the few days when she doesn't have any activities that she will be sharing with any of her friends, even James. While at the same time due to Kara's journalism courses taking place in a specific area on campus she is unlikely to bump into any of her friends.

Usually Kara enjoys her journalism heavy days as she is incredibly passionate about journalism and writing about things she's interested in while trying to inform the public. But today specifically Kara is not looking forward to the afternoon, not because of any class she has, but because this afternoon Kara and Alex have booked their first therapy session together. Kara isn't dreading it because she doesn't want to try and fix things with Alex, or because she doesn't like the idea of therapy. Kara isn't particularly looking forward to it just because it's going to be so awkward and emotionally draining.

Currently it's about half way through Kara's day. She currently has a 10 minute break and she is walking to where her next lecture will be held, walking from one building to another. As Kara is walking she is looking at her phone, not really paying too much attention as to where she is going, Kara knows the route to her next class like the back of her hand. This is when Kara suddenly bumps into a woman.

"Ooooffff. I'm so sorry." Kara says.

"I'm sorry." The woman replies.

The two women look up at each other and meet eyes for the first time.

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