Chapter 8 - Eve

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Kara is getting ready for her date with Eve, she is actually excited. Kara thinks Eve is a wonderful person, so much nicer than a certain other individual. Eve is kind, cares about people other than herself, she's generous, she always has a smile on her face, she's literally the opposite of Lena. Kara is still really annoyed at what Lena said to her the night before. Kara thinks it's so ironic that Lena doesn't want Kara to date Eve, yet one of their rules was to be honest with each other and not get mad or jealous for turning one another down. It simply infuriates Kara to no end that Lena had the gall to try and explain why she was mad that Kara was considering saying yes to Eve, with the explanation that it was because Lena claimed she was mad that that would mean they would have to stop having sex, right when they started. Claiming this all was pointless and Kara was trying to sabotage everything.

Kara eventually shakes her thoughts of Lena, planning to put the spoiled rich brat out of her mind and enjoy her afternoon/evening with Eve. Much like the day before Kara is wearing a comfortable pair of jeans, but this time she is wearing a shirt which she has tucked into her jeans. Then Kara has completed her look with a nice warm jacket seeing as it's a bit cooler than the day before, and the fact they are going to be outside for their date. The jacket isn't very thick, but it will keep Kara warm.

Kara gives herself one last look over before she heads out her door and gets in an Uber to take her to the Winter Wonderland fair.

Kara arrives at the National City Winter Wonderland, there are a lot of people around. Kara considers sending Eve a text to let her know she has arrived, but then Kara scans the crowd and spots Eve standing by the entrance. Eve like Kara is wearing some nice fitted jeans, some trainers and a jacket. As Kara walks towards Eve she notices that Eve has a nervous smile on her face, looking around obviously searching for Kara. Kara finds it incredibly cute that Eve clearly is nervous but excited for their date. Kara thinks it's very nice to actually be wanted by someone so nice for once. As Kara approaches Eve, Eve spots her.

"Kara!" Eve smiles.

"Hi Eve." Kara smiles back.

"You look great!" Eve smiles at Kara.

Kara laughs.

"It's nothing special. But you look pretty good yourself." Kara says back to Eve with a smile.

Eve blushes.

"Thank you." Eve says.

"So do you want to head inside?" Kara asks.

"Yes! I really hope you like this! There are some rides, there's an ice skating rink, a place to pet some reindeer, and of course a bunch of food stalls. Winn has told me that you really enjoy food!" Eve explains excitedly.

Kara laughs.

"Yes, some people say that food is the way to my heart." Kara smiles.

"Well I guess I'm going to buy you all the food then!" Eve says with a bit of a smile.

Kara smiles widely at Eve.

"You are a charmer Miss Tessmacher." Kara says and then holds out her hand, "Shall we?"

Eve looks at Kara's outstretched hand for a moment, looking slightly nervous.

"You want to hold hands?" Eve asks surprised.

"Yes, this is a date isn't it? Unless you don't want to." Kara replies.

"No!! I do!! I just didn't think you'd want to." Eve explains shyly.

"Well come here then." Kara smiles.

Eve takes Kara's hand and the two enter the fair grounds. Kara and Eve spend a while just walking around the Winter Wonderland. The two women just want to get a grasp of what is available for them to do and eat. Eventually the first stop they settle on is to pet some of the reindeer. Kara and Eve both enjoy gently stroking the reindeer while also getting to feed them some carrots. After this the two continue to walk about the fair.

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