Chapter 15 - Game Night

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A week passes by since Kara and Lena spent the afternoon/evening together with Ruby while Sam and Alex had their date. Alex and Sam have met up a few more times throughout the week when each of them have a free moment while Ruby is at school. Lena and Kara have once again been unable to find time to continue their casual sex routine.

Friday comes around and it's game night. Kara, James and Winn are hosting and they have invited a few people. Alex will be joining them as usual, Lena, Sam and even Ruby will also be attending, as well as Nia and Brainy. Kara and Winn have made a big deal about setting up some video games for Ruby to play if she doesn't want to play board games with the boring adults. Winn is honestly excited about this because he knows that children tend to enjoy video games and love to continuously play them without breaks, just like Winn. So Winn might have a video game partner to play Mario Kart with for the evening.

Everyone arrives on time apart from Sam, Ruby and Lena. Kara expects this because half hour before everyone was due to arrive she got a text from Lena telling her that Ruby had been playing outside and got herself all muddy and needed a bath before they could leave. Kara found that pretty hilarious. While the rest of the group wait for Sam, Lena and Ruby they begin drinking and eating some snacks that James has bought, while also setting up a few of the board games. The plan is for the group to decide what they want to order for dinner once everyone arrives. As the group continue to wait Kara notices Alex looking nervous.

"What's up Al? You look nervous?" Kara asks.

"Yeah...... it's just..... this will be my second time meeting Ruby and I obviously want her to like me...... I even got her a surprise that Sam okayed. I don't know what will happen if Ruby doesn't react well." Alex says nervously.

Kara frowns.

"What's the surprise?" Kara asks.

"I got us tickets to go see a soccer game here in National City next weekend, me, Sam and Ruby." Alex says.

"Oh I think Ruby will love that Alex!" Kara smiles.

"Yeah..... it's just...... I want her to like me.... I hope she doesn't want someone else to go instead of me." Alex replies nervously.

"Oh Alex. You just need to get to know Ruby, and Ruby needs to spend some time with you. I'm sure that when that happens Ruby will love you." Kara says.

"Yeah. I hope." Alex nods.

About 10 minutes later there is a knock at the door and Kara answers it, revealing Sam, Lena and Ruby.

"Aunt Kara!" Ruby yells and quickly pulls Kara in for a hug.

"Hey little kiddo." Kara hugs back.

Ruby ends the hug and smiles up at Kara.

"Hey guys." Kara says to Lena and Sam. "We were just setting up."

"Thanks Kara. Sorry we're late. This little one decided to be trouble." Sam says.

Ruby just grins.

Kara laughs.

"Oh believe me I understand. When I was her age I was an absolute terror. Actually one time I...." Kara begins.

"Kara, better not go giving her ideas." Lena interrupts.

"Right." Kara nods, realising Ruby is still looking at her.

"Awwwwww. You're no fun aunt Lena." Ruby moans.

Lena chuckles.

"Oh I think she's a lot of fun. Just only when she wants to be." Kara comments with a grin.

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