Chapter 3 - L.L.

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It is now close to winter break. Kara has had a miserable last few weeks because Lena Luthor has turned up her hate on Kara ten fold, despite Kara telling Lena several times she didn't know about Andrea. This hasn't stopped Lena writing comments on all her articles criticising her, or setting her up to fail during debate class or now even making her look stupid during their computer sciences classes together. While at the same time Lena purposely invites Winn and James to come out with her and her friends on regular occasions. Lena clearly knows that Kara is far too prideful to tell Winn and James that they shouldn't go, so she's left home alone most nights, and some weekends. Then to top everything off Kara recently found out that Alex and Maggie were going to be going away for Christmas while Eliza planned to visit her friend in Canada, so Kara will be left alone for Christmas. Of course Kara did had offers of joining Eliza, or joining Winn or James with their respective families, but Kara really doesn't want to be a third wheel so to speak.

Presently Kara is happy as the three friends are throwing a Christmas party at their house. It is attended by a large amount of people, and Kara has one goal in mind tonight, she wants to find someone to make her forget all her problems. All her problems when in a weeks time when the semester ends that she will be left mostly alone while all her friends and family leave.

Kara moves about the party and sees Maggie and Alex in the kitchen smiling at each other.

"Hey Kar, great party so far." Maggie smiles.

"Thanks Maggie. I thought you two would be too busy to come." Kara comments, thinking about how she hasn't seen her sister much this year.

"Yeah well we thought we'd come have fun with our friends tonight seeing as we won't be seeing you guys over the Christmas break." Alex replies.

Kara wants to comment that they don't see them anyway, but she bites her tongue.

"Okay, well I'm going to go mingle." Kara smiles and goes to leave.

Alex grabs Kara's arm and pulls towards her.

"Lucy's here." Alex says with a smirk on her face.

"What!?!" Kara says, surprised.

"Yeah, I saw her when we came in. She's visiting a friend in the city and James must have told her about your party." Alex explains.

Maggie gets a curious look.

"I'm missing something. Who's Lucy?" Maggie asks.

"She's Lucy Lane, Lois Lane's younger sister. Kara met her several years ago when she was visiting Clark and has had a crush on her ever since." Alex says.

"Aww that's cute." Maggie smiles.

"I'm gonna go." Kara says before this conversation can continue.

Kara walks through the house now searching, on a mission. If she is going to forget her troubles by bringing someone to bed tonight, it's going to be Lucy Lane. But as Kara looks through the house to find Lucy she spots the last person she wants to see at her party, Lena Luthor. Lena is standing in a corner drinking, not talking to anyone. She honestly looks miserable, like she'd rather be anywhere else, and Kara thinks that might just be true. Kara believes that it's most likely that Lena has only come to her party to annoy her.

"What are you doing here?" Kara asks annoyed.

"Winn and James invited me." Lena replies.

"Of course they did." Kara mumbles, "Well why would you even want to come? Haven't you ruined my life enough. You have to invade my home too?"

"I'm just here for the alcohol Kara." Lena says in a quiet tone.

Kara notices something off with Lena. Lena looks like a wounded animal, and after all Lena has done to her recently Kara is going in for the kill. She can't let this opportunity pass. So Kara presses her body against Lena.

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