Chapter 17 - Birthday!

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Almost a week has passed since Kara and Lena have returned from Vegas, and Kara has not been doing good. Kara has been a complete and utter mess. She doesn't know how to deal with her feelings she has discovered for Lena. While at the same time she doesn't want to talk to anyone about them. Kara knows what people will say. They will say she should tell Lena about her feelings. But the thing is, that terrifies Kara more than anything. Kara doesn't think she can actually tell Lena how she feels because she's not sure if Lena really feels the same, and Lena has become so important to Kara that she doesn't think she could deal with losing her, even if that meant Kara has to just remain her friend forever.

However, Kara isn't sure how she will be able to deal with having sex with Lena again. Kara knows that it is going to be a major problem because if they were to have sex again it would mean something to Kara. Then the fact that it would mean something, possibly for the first time in Kara's life, at least knowingly, would probably make it very difficult for Kara to contain her feelings. But on the other hand Kara doesn't know how to go about stopping having sex with Lena, as of course Lena will have questions, and Kara won't be able to give her any answers, at least without ruining things as well. Then at the same time Kara doesn't want to stop having sex with Lena, she really, really enjoys it, even if now it will become an incredibly emotionally painful thing for her.

Thankfully for Kara since she and Lena got back from Vegas they have been rather busy. There is just over 3 weeks left of the semester and for both of them it is sort of crunch time in their various classes. Lena has several papers to write and tests to prepare for, while Kara also has a few papers to write as well as working on her journalism class final. The journalism class final project for the semester is very important to Kara as it will determine her grade for the overall course, where if she is top of the class, which she is currently, she will be offered a summer internship at CatCo, Kara's dream job. So because Kara and Lena have both been very busy they haven't actually got together since they got back, and their interactions have been limited to a few texts and some casual conversation in the classes they share. So all in all this has allowed Kara to hide her inner turmoil from Lena, at least for now.

This is all about to come to an end though, as today is Saturday, and Kara has been invited over to Sam and Lena's for Ruby's birthday, where the women will also be having a sleep over. Kara really doesn't want to go, because she doesn't think she can stand spending an evening with Lena without bursting her heart out. But Kara doesn't want to disappoint or upset Ruby, she knows that the girl is excited about her coming over.

Kara starts her day by getting up and getting dressed. She knows that Alex is coming to pick her up at around 10. Kara kind of wishes that she'd been like Nia, James, Winn, Eve and Brainy who said that they would get there in the evening. However Kara had been persuaded by Ruby to spend the entire day with the young girl. Not that it really was much of a persuasion. Sam literally just asked Kara and told her that Ruby really really wants Kara to spend the whole day with them as they make a day of it for her birthday. So of course Kara had to agree, even if it might kill her having to spend so much time with Lena while her emotions are going crazy inside her.

Kara gets ready and is incredibly nervous. She fidgets with what clothes she thinks about wearing, and then once she's dressed she just paces back and fourth as she waits for Alex to arrive. Thankfully for Kara Alex arrives on time, sending her sister a text that she is outside. Kara then leaves the house and gets into Alex's awaiting running car.

"Hey Kar." Alex smiles as Kara gets in and puts on her seat belt.

"Hey Alex." Kara replies, putting on a smile.

"So you ready for today?" Alex asks as they begin driving.

"I think so." Kara nods.

"Well you better be! I was over at Sam's yesterday and Ruby was so excited about today. She has a whole day planned out of things she wants to do." Alex smiles.

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