Chapter 4 - Unexpected

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A couples of days later it is the penultimate day of the semester before everyone goes on winter break. Kara isn't looking forward to it because she's going to be all alone. All alone for Christmas, Kara hates the thought. Kara's week so far has been pretty good. She feels she done really well in her classes and to top it off she hasn't seen Lena since the party two days ago, so that's a plus. But Kara knows that is about to come to an end as she is due to attend the debate team. Kara has considered quitting the team, but she thinks that would just give Lena the satisfaction of it. Then at the same time Kara hopes that maybe, just maybe, Lena will actually start being nicer to her after their talk in her bathroom at the party.

So Kara goes into the debate team meeting full of optimism. She is an optimistic person in general. She likes to see the good in people, and give them second chances, even if they don't deserve it. But Kara is once more proven to be wrong. As usual Lena purposely leaves Kara out of the debate team groups, just letting her 'be a judge' rather than participate. Then to top it off Lena introduces debate team member rankings, which she claims she's introducing to encourage members to work harder as she will only pick the top people to take to any competitions. This annoys Kara because Lena has ranked Kara 3rd from last. Literally the only people below her are two first years who are a bit shy. So of course Kara is once more pissed off.

Eventually the debate team meeting ends.

"Kara, could you wait here for a moment please?" Lena calls out as Kara attempts to exit.

Kara sighs, she thinks that this is gonna just be some condescending or mean comment from Lena. Just to once more put her down. Kara considers leaving anyway, but she doesn't want to let Lena win. Kara waits while the other members of the debate team file out until Lena and Kara are both alone.

Lena approaches Kara slowly, and Kara watches her with a curious look on her face. Lena soon closes the distances and crashes her lips to Kara. Kara is surprised at first and doesn't kiss back, but Lena Luthor is a good kisser, so Kara eventually kisses her back. After a few seconds Lena pulls away from the kiss.

"Hmm wasn't awful. I'd give it a B-, not great, but satisfactory. Meet me at my place at 9PM. If you're late don't bother coming." Lena says and then walks away.

Kara is left with a completely perplexed look on her face. She partly is still reeling from the kiss, because as much as she hates Lena Luthor, she's a very very good kisser. Eventually when Kara's brain gets going again she finds herself even more confused. She doesn't understand why Lena Luthor kissed her, or made the assumption she wants her back or anything. Not to mention Kara doesn't know Lena's address. The whole situation is totally confusing for Kara. Admittedly Kara wouldn't be opposed to kissing Lena again. She may dislike her personality but she can't deny that Lena is gorgeous, and if Lena was offering what Kara thinks she's offering she wouldn't be opposed to that either. It would just be a casual encounter, and maybe it would allow Lena and Kara to blow off some steam and work some things out. Or perhaps it would make Lena even more of a judgemental bitch, just this time in the bedroom. But none of those thoughts make it any clearer to Kara as to why Lena did what she did. Her actions just don't make any sense.

Kara's phone buzzes.

L.L. (to Kara): 7 Regnall street, apartment 5A.

Kara reads her text in confusion for a few moments, that is until it finally hits her. It hits Kara that L.L. in James' phone isn't Lucy Lane, it's Lena Luthor. That means that Kara sent those texts telling her she wants to kiss her and have sex with her to Lena Luthor, not Lucy Lane.

For the next few hours Kara is left in deep thought. She isn't sure what she should do. On the one hand Lena Luthor seems to be an awful human being that Kara very much hates, well maybe hate is a strong word, strongly dislikes. But on the other hand Kara can't deny that Lena Luthor is incredibly hot. James obviously knows that from how much he's been drooling over Lena since they met, despite Lena being gay. But then also Kara isn't sure if she can have casual sex with someone she dislikes so much.

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