Chapter 1 - New Girl

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Kara is currently attending National City University, where she entering into her third year. Kara very much has enjoyed her time at National City University, a place where she has made many friends including Winn and James. But of course Kara's biggest reason for attending NCU in the first place was because her sister Alex also was attending the university. Alex is a few years older than Kara and is currently on an advanced path working on her masters and PHD in bio-chemistry simultaneously.

The first few years at university Kara shared a small apartment with her sister Alex which was just off of the university campus. But during the previous year Alex had met Maggie who had just transferred to the university, causing Alex to realise that she is gay. Kara likes Maggie, and Alex dating her was all fine and good, the only problem was that she very much felt unwanted in the apartment, as Alex would always give Kara the stink eye to make herself scarce. Then on some occasions Kara was woken in the night to sounds of her sister and Maggie having sex. During these times Kara would go over to Winn and James' apartment and sleep on their couch. So all in all by the end of her second year Kara was essentially kicked out of living with Alex so Maggie could move in. Kara didn't mind, she knew she would have been able to fight Alex on the idea but she really was tired of having to hear her sister having sex. So Kara made a decision that she would live with Winn and James where they would all find a new place to live.

The place the three friends eventually choose was a small house. The house itself was only a few blocks from Alex's apartment and therefore still close to campus. Inside was a living room, a kitchen, then a small room with a washer and dryer. Then the upstairs of the house had 3 bedrooms with one of the bedrooms having an en-suite while the other two had to share a bathroom. Thankfully for Kara the two boys were kind enough to allow Kara to take the en-suit bedroom so she wouldn't have to share a bathroom with them.

The living situation was generally and still is great. Kara gets along very well with Winn and James, they are her two best friends. James is a year older than Kara and therefore is currently in his final year at university. He is majoring in photography with a minor in journalism. Kara had met James through various journalist events the university put on, as Kara had attended them because she was majoring in Journalism and therefore had bumped into James at some of the events. Kara's major is of course in journalism with her minor being in computer science. Winn on the other hand is majoring in computer science with a minor in human studies. Of course Kara had met Winn through her minor, and his major.

All in all James, Winn and Kara got on like a house on fire. They regularly went out to parties together or to local bars when they had time, and when they weren't doing that they enjoyed spending time with one another. This was great for Kara as they were both like her two brothers, as it was made very clear to both of Winn and James from the start that Kara was not interested in either of them as while she isn't gay, she is bisexual, and mostly prefers women.

Outside of her classes Kara is an avid member of the university's online paper where she contributes as a journalist. Kara's goal is to become a journalist with her big dream being able to join CatCo, which is a magazine company run by the famous Cat Grant who Kara idolises. She loves how unique CatCo is, with presenting itself as a fashion magazine but in reality containing hard hitting journalism topics. This was another factor as to why Kara chose NCU, as one of their journalism courses that is available to third year students could lead to a summer internship between the third and fourth year at CatCo, which goes to the top graded student in the class.

But Kara is not only involved in journalism at her university. She is also a member of the university's debate team where mid way through her second year she was elected head of the debate team. Kara very much enjoys being part of the debate team because she loves being able to debate topics which she might not agree with, allowing her to see things from different points of view, which she knows will be very helpful with her journalist writing in the future.

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